
It never went through my head how difficult it would be to convince people that he has the blood of Targaryeons. Like, how do you expect her to react?? “Your brother and your best friend say.” Are you joking?????\

I’m here for it. There is not enough media based off of spies.
James Bond and that other over the top British action series do NOT count as spies in my book.

You’d play as a group of spies in Tevinter Imperium, a wizard-ruled country on the north end of Dragon Age’s main continent, Thedas. The goal was to focus as much as possible on choice and consequence, with smaller areas and fewer fetch quests than Dragon Age: Inquisition. (In other words, they wanted Joplin to be


It gives the reader a reason to click on the video. “Oh, I love Ico and I love MH... Let’s see if this game is right up my alley!”

Is the hair a choice?

This is so great. I'm a gay dude who has a very effeminate voice. Whenever I speak in R6:Siege I get votekicked. It had turned me off to the game.

Ok, but real tea:


I have just bought Rainbow Six Siege and I’m so BAD at it! Is there anyone here that can help lil ol me?

I was going to ask where to watch it but it was right there in the first two sentences but Kinja won’t allow me to delete this post plz halp.

Hve we been watching the same show?

How difficult is it to be a gay man in this game?

Have you seen Johnathan????

This was probably my least favorite short. It sucks because Dva is my favorite character.

It’s a little late in Ryan Murphy’s career to start EDITING.


Agreed, they should have made him a Koala or... A sloth!

Great article, I totally agree.

Like Wayne sounds ALOT like Kendrick Lamar from “Be Humble” Like lawsuit worthy.

This too, omg.