
Is this upcoming dnd expansion akin to the elemental expansion? Should we be expecting new races, spells, class choices?

Okay, grab your guns,


I’m surprised you didn’t bring up the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

i wanna get into the beta so badddd q.q

They BARELY brought up his sexuality in this scene. And Dorian is way more about him overcoming the Tevinter Imperium’s awful history than his sexuality. Sure, he was flamboyant, but us gays can be flamboyant sometimes.

I didn’t hear you complain about the millions of lesbian characters from all the bioware games.

Reason why i don’t like this show is because Goku always just unlocks another “super secret sayan level” whenever he encounters someone “unbeatable.”

I love LoL's style, but Morgana still looks jacked up.

Who wears a long skirt and bikini top unless they're at a PHISH concert?

When are we getting Black Emporium? I miss my dwarf rogue that I played in beta 5.
I started a new game in public DA:I, but my character I created looks TERRIBLE!

What have you learned from Dragon Age's multiplayer component?

Or the best? He's easily the hottest, imho.

I think his character design is interesting, but as the LoL redposts pointed out: he needs to be differentiated more from Sion. So I'm expecting more of a body horror zombie then a necromancer creation. He even has practically the same lore as Sion.

He's already posing as if he's in his coffin.

This looks like the most bullshit dessert I've ever heard of. I can get frozen fruit and cool whip myself, thank you.

So, they made one more original character....

Can we get free-balling and Solid Snake ass physics in games?

That'd be superrrrbbb

They said that Urgot's rework is "way down the pipeline." They're focusing on Poppy first.

I wanted this game to be cool. *sighs*

Not exactly scary, but The Ship is definitely worth a suspenseful, balls to the walls, paranoid scare-fest on some levels.

Submerging pomegranates dont make the seeds come out instantly. You gently have to scrape them out of the... shell? Peel? Anyway, it reduces the mess of the pomegranate squirts cuz it just goes into the water.

Hmm, maybe this version actually works!

I still am having performance issues. I upgraded my WHOLE computer. amd 7750, 8g of ram, 4core amd processor the works! STILL NOT WORKING