
There’s nothing for me to “perceive” regarding non-roadworthy vehicles because neither you nor anyone else on here has offered a single hair of actual evidence to justify annual inspections.

Damn, if only there were some kind of way to easily search the web and its hundreds of billions of sites for that information.

If you’re going to insist on forcing millions of people to do something, the burden of proof for the justification is on you. I feel like this should be common sense.

My money’s on Cherno Alpha, as soon as the Russians get around to entering.

Eh I live in Quebec now and there are no required inspections, and Im pretty sure our accident rate here is on par with any U.S. state.

As a Michigander, the idea of requiring a inspection to drive a car is just mind-boggling.

Now playing

Maybe I’ve been watching too much ST:NG, but I want a Honda called the Clitomer Accord.

Numerous deserts are directly on the ocean. Sahara. Baja...etc. Go do some reading.

No. We don’t. What are you referring to? The brownout in 2004 that lasted roughly 8 hours? That’s a stretch, dude.

You built a city in the desert. And now you’re paying the price for it. And so is the poor Colorado River and numerous other waterways that never intended to fuel your greedy thirst.

The most annoying is when it’s a regularly ridden bike. It’s one thing if it’s just a Sunday cruiser, but if you are tearing down the street at 6AM to go to work and you have straight pipes you are a grade A asshole. I even changed my exhaust from a moderately louder one back to stock when I started regularly using it

Ugh, this, 1000x this!! Your loud pipes do FUCKING NOTHING to keep you safe, and instead just piss off everyone else. Nobody in front of you can hear those stupid fucking things, and while everybody behind you can, they’re not the ones you have to worry about.

“Why haven’t we rid the world of these complete and utter psychopaths?”

Sorry, I think you misunderstood the tone of my post. I was being a little smart-allecky, but your post made me think about how in some parts of the country we have to worry about exhausts notes waking up our kids, and in other parts its gunshots. I removed the exhaust on the Corvair because the original was rusted

In that case, it should be possible to direct certain noises back at bikers who insist that we should enjoy, nay, celebrate their freedom to bust other people’s eardrums. I suggest a recording of nails on a blackboard, right at the 83 dB limit. Make people’s ears bleed, and maybe something will be done.

Yep, drive around for awhile in a populated area with a rusted out tailpipe, and you’ll probably get pulled over and told to fix it. Drive around on a Harley with straight pipes, and they’ll wave at you. Fscking cowards.

At last on news channels you know it’s propaganda. Those that follow Stewart consider the Daily Show unimpeachable. Ad therein lies the danger. Propaganda so smooth you don’t know it’s propaganda.

Please show me a better looking, better performing car for $3k?
I would love a C5/C6, but 2 kids in daycare tell me that not going to happen any time soon. I have done 3 track days, running advance group, never been passed.

I already have. I wouldn’t again, but the late models were good. I don’t know where all the hate for them is coming from. Corvette guys? First they hated the anemic c3, then the 80’s c4, then the plastic and boring c5, then the too-European boohoo c6, and now the c7 has an ass that makes Kanye West do double-takes.