Bryan Novoa Zelaya

"Getting shot in the groin has to suck beyond all imagining. So too must getting shot anywhere else"

yep, somehow we have managed to survive many things, but maybe it's because we are a lot and not an instinct that lead us to survive.

I know who would be the perfect ringbearer this time!

It`s undeniable that the US army was decisive to save the world from tyranic leaders.

Yes, but you`re still spending, so if you`re going to spend (even when you don`t have to) at least spend in something that deserves more that money.

Fighter??? Why would you need a new Fighter?!?!! are you going to fight the second world war or something?; the US needs to accept that we now live in a more peaceful planet, and stop using wars as a way to get oil; the greatness US had after the second WW is long gone, you must now educate well your children so that

Well research in NASA would be better than research in military nonsense, first of all because that wouldn`t left 8000 people unemployed, or actually a better investment would be in education.

Shouldnt`t you be trying to spend LESS money to save the country from bankruptcy, instead of spending MORE money on war planes that you don`t actually need??? (money that would be better invested in NASA)

Well I dont know, for I`m not an economist, but the first wave was very strong that dragged the planet to a financial crisis; the bankruptcy of US looks a lot more strong that the first wave, wich will may make this second wave even more deadly than the first. However as I said, I`m no economist so maybe I`m wrong,

It was, I think they lost their power since the start of the current crisis, so imagine how much more power they will lose when the next crisis (wich will be again started by the US) arrives. And yes it will probably be "a crisis within a crisis".

I`m sorry but: trying to save the GLOBAL financial system, I didnt knew they were trying to save half the eurozone, instead of ruin it more with the stupid Speculators that just see outside their country instead of watching how ruined the US is.


he is still in america, he just went to south america, so basically he didn't abandon america

he is still in america