Anyone else amazed that the Monkees Power Hour would have nearly twice as many comments as the Weezer Power Hour? Especially since Weezer had a 24 hour head start?
Agree completely. The changes are subtle but significant.
So, back in 2001, I bought a used copy of the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook, and where the demo software CD was supposed to be was the Green album.
Shart-lo, sweet chariot.
Now kids, I know you all loved the old Chappie, but this new one is better than 10 Rugby World Cups!
Appropriate, since Sting covered "Someone to Watch Over Me"
Whenever Chappie's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Chappie?"
JK Rowling's new book: Gene Simmons and the Struggle for Relevance.
The Grave. It is even more maudlin than Vincent.
I always wanted to hear a parody of this song that was just a grocery list.
Victoria Jackson Yehaw? Michael Jackson Gee-Whiz?
Thomas Jefferson Airplane
Not much, what's Nubian with you?
Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars!