Fine, let’s throw it back. No one has ever made a good movie about food in a grocery store.
Fine, let’s throw it back. No one has ever made a good movie about food in a grocery store.
And let’s not forget every single hotel showerhead that you have to bend down in front of so you can wash your hair. They must be shaming anybody over 6 feet tall.
I’m 6'7" and I can’t go on a certain ride at my local amusement park because I’m too tall. You know what I do? I move on. I don’t clamor for a theme park to accommodate me. I can’t do anything about my height, obese people can do something about their weight.
Cracks me up some people want to paint a 40" waist as average. There’s a healthy middle ground between outright shaming people for being fat, and pretending being obese is healthy and desirable.
Agreed. About 36" waist currently as a guy and classify as overweight/borderline obese. Our increased sizes have become normalized to a terrifying degree.
While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.
Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck.
Good. Because here is the thing: I would buy this Day 1 if they committed to supporting PC. I have a PS5, I like it, but I don’t foresee using the VR headset on that enough to justify the cost, but an foveated rendering, eye-tracking lightweight, high-res headset that I could also plug in for PCVR? Easy purchase at…
With all of the series they're cutting, they should name it Pair-a-Shows.
In the meantime, I cannot recommend the 2010 Perfect Dark revamp they put out on Xbox 360 (still available on Live). It plays like you remember... until you compare the frame rate and compressed graphics of the OG.
Man there’s a whole lot of dubious takes going in these comments, and I can’t respond to them all, so I’m gonna try to respond to the two big pillars.
“The controls were always bad, even back then!”
The default controls for the vast majority of 90s shooters were tank controls. Doom’s keyboard controls out of the box…
Why do you think Netflix has had collaborations with the SETI Institute? It's not interest in science, it's about finding a new subscriber base off planet.
What I find funny is the AVClub got a review copy. I feel like Kotaku could have thrown a bone to them in their round up
Album? What do you mean, album? Like a plastic disc, with singing on it, that kind of album? Am I a fucking canary? Am I here to fucking sing for you, like a fucking bird? No, you said album, you must mean I’m a fuckin’ little songbird. Where the fuck do you get off saying that I put out a fucking ALBUM, you FUCK?
I was honestly surprised and deeply disappointed rear paddles didn’t become standard this new console generation.
I’ve never read or watched anything Potter related so please correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like using some magic is so bad that the gameplay equivalent would be all the NPCs becoming hostile and never going back or not without a complicated redemption mechanic.
We discussed ramifications for using the most evil magic in the game repeatedly but work is hard.
Sounds like the developers were just too lazy to implement consequences for the players’ actions which fit the setting. Instead they have a designer give one of the cheapest responses I’ve ever seen about “role-playing” as though the entire point of role playing wasn’t that your choices have consequences.
“But, should the player continue these actions, the world will reflect back knowledge of them.”
This was something that always irked me all the way back in Fable. It’s one thing to be an open ended game and let the player choose how to behave, but it’s entirely different when the player is a member of an *Institution* that...laregly seems to be completely apathetic if it generates good citizens or war criminals.…
So you just go and murder a whole camp one night and show up to herbology the next morning and everyone’s just okay? Fine not to have a morality system as they are rarely implemented interestingly enough to warrant their inclusion, but this will easily surpass GTA IV levels of ludonarrative dissonance.