Straight over your head
Straight over your head
How does that affect the fans? Its not like f1 fabs could afford indy cars
Upon first glance i liked it but the more i stare the more i hate it
My honda dealer has good snacks and one of those 10k plus crazy coffee machines that makes like 1000 different drinks i still just get the hot chocolate
I hope my accord airbag gets replaced the logo on the cover is starting to look funky
I agree i thought he did all kind of other crazy shit tho and stuff in mexico or somehing as well
The one thats in trouble for completely different crimes
That kid here in texas got off after he killed people
It really sucks that rich people can get away with whatever
Go fast and not crash
Thats not correct at all
Such a strange truck the mark lt wasnt bad tho
Most f250s you see are white
I feel bad for him beciase he is mad ugly
Those fender vents are terrible looking
Exactly why its fuck all of gawker media besides jalopnik
Champion reddit reposter
I’m an ME pre med major and i do give IE majors shit becuase of how easy their degree plan is, but i still think their job is necessary. I mostly mess with CS majors and civil majors
I think it is the only fake engineers are the computer science majors
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