BRuddy: Building Kick! EXPLOSION!

Don't worry (I know you're not) about that Zandt chick. She was just using you as a way to push her book and validate its existence. Lame.

I think JJ is at it again.

@Anonymoose: Maybe if the duck came out of it's rabbit hole and granted a wish to Egamor the dolphin.

@N7: Eye don't know what you're talking about.

Aww too bad. Being a Microsoft game dev I was hoping it was a RRoD. Well, the death part still applies I suppose.

@Samo: Wait I've been owning you, owning me, and I know you want it.

@Samo: You're in violation of my patent of you by speaking out of turn as yourself which I own which is now me speaking for you which is now in violation of being me...... or something.

@Samo: I patent you. So I take all your patents and IP (including your precious time) BWAHAHAHAHA

@NuevoLeon: I believe Mercedes E-class cars were the first I've seen that had this.

@The Lab: Very true. The horror stories are why I don't sell anything on eBay.

@Samo: I patent particle movement.

What I want is for my key fob to open my garage door.

Double magnetic fields! Whoa, so intense! .....Whooooaaahohoh my god! Oh, my god! What does it meeEEEeeaaan?!

@orphic1: "Regardless of what the case was" I see what you did (unintentionally?) there.

(Image links to market for Touchdown)

Looks like a bunch of car cigarette lighters held together by plastic.

@Joel Johnson: Be careful, Joel. Soon the police may be bustin' in your doors commenter suicide(?) or something.