
You’ve earned it. Enjoy your weekend!

You’re a plagiarist--I read this exact post elsewhere last Wensleydale.

Your argument is full of holes.

You win another opportunity to recommend a car for What Car Should You Buy?, date TBD! Congratulations!

Cut it out.

A friend of mine has wheels like that for his race car. Another racer with the same type of car asked John if he wanted to sell the wheels, and he replied, “What kind of food do you think I am?!”

Krafty reply.

Holey moly, that’s delicious.

I rolled my ankle last night while dancing around the house to Rock Lobster. No phones or modes of transportation were damaged in the process.

Competition for Tesla could set the company to be sold to another large auto maker, or set Tesla up to buy another auto maker. The popcorn is always ready.


I drive a stick in Atlanta. Whatever inconveniences there are are worth it.

...the admittedly irrational love of manuals.

Ack, ack, ack, ack!

Nope, that headline makes me think I’m in for bodily engeri in that car. Unless you want to correct the headline.

And we’ve had a lot of rain in Atlanta this year.

The heat of a Georgia Summer is getting to one of my neighbors. CP.

I wouldn’t touch a Fiat with someone else’s hands, but that Abarth does sound better than any 4-cylinder has a right to.

That Graham with the sliding door!

Looks like a German take on a Peugeot.