How could you leave out "The Night Chicago Died" by Paper Lace? #1 hit in 1974 inspired by the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. It was cheesy as all hell, but still a #1 hit about Chicago mobsters.
How could you leave out "The Night Chicago Died" by Paper Lace? #1 hit in 1974 inspired by the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. It was cheesy as all hell, but still a #1 hit about Chicago mobsters.
Sandra is a goddamn evil genius! The fact that she is still surviving tribal councils without getting a vote as a two time winner, and getting rid of all the other winners at the same time is amazing. Every tribal she survives just further cements her G.O.A.T. status. If she actually wins again, all of these other…
Well, see, now you are just showing your ignorance. Anyone who knows anything about Dax Shephard knows that he is a total gearhead. He named his daughter "Lincoln" after his favorite car in his collection. His previous movie "Hit and Run" was a movie he did specifically so he could use his own car collection in a…
I still want to see Carrie fuck her shit up, though. This woman seems a little too eager to fuck up Carrie's life.
I don't think she's black. I think she is some sort of middle-eastern.
When I saw the Wall Of Crazy Genius, I was like "Yes! Now it's time to kick everything in gear for the homestretch!"
The worst thing is that she actually believes the charges because she doesn't realize the tape is selectively edited to not show what he did after he ran past the camera.
Did he do "two hours of material at the expense of gay people because it was free and easy to do so", or did he do two minutes? The trailer is not the movie. I find it hard to believe that gay people are getting hit any harder than anyone else in this movie, especially since Shephard and Bell were pretty loud about…
That's still getting it kind of backwards…My belief is that the only reason that this comic book source material was chosen was to produce that racial pairing for The Defenders. Hollywood loves itself a salt & pepper buddy movie ever since the Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor days. If they weren't going for that pairing they…
The problem with casting an Asian has always been simple. They want a salt and pepper pairing with Luke Cage. Therefore Danny Rand, therefore white guy playing Danny Rand. I feel like people are purposely ignoring this obvious fact when they act like there was any serious possibility that Danny Rand would be anything…
I just love the fact that it is set in Missouri. I don't think any state is more littered with fucking ugly billboards than we are. That, and the amount of small town bullshit that goes on in the outstate "Real 'Merica" towns in MO makes us the perfect target. Six of the ten most dangerous areas in MO are outstate…
I am so sold on this movie!
I'm an old, so I find that one fucking funny. I cannot possibly give you as many upvotes as that deserves.
He is not the straight man…but as an actor, he played the part dead straight, which is part of what made the movie so fun. You had Cage "ACTING!" throughout the film, while every single other actor beside Cusack was hilariously chewing every bit of scenery they could find. It was like he was in a different film.
It is extraordinarily dumb, but that's the fun of it. even if it is more dumb than fun, that doesn't mean it isn't a hell of a lot of fun. It's one of the action movies I will always stop at while channel-flipping.
He pretty much admits that the only reason he did this movie is that he just wanted to do a movie with a bunch of motorcycle chase scenes, and the "CHIPS" franchise was available and automatically funded.
I'm kinda indifferent on the first name "Cobie" (short for "Jacoba" FYI) but "Smulders" is a great last name for a hot actress….
Then Sandra will go on a challenge run the like of which has never been seen before. :)
I think a lot of people thought that last time she played….
I love Sandra, but my god, she should have been one of the first two boots. Thes people deserve to lose to her if they don't get rid of her long before the merge.