Maybe Jemma is going to have to punch her way out of a coffin Buffy-style (or Beatrice Kiddo-style).
Maybe Jemma is going to have to punch her way out of a coffin Buffy-style (or Beatrice Kiddo-style).
I imagine that Maurissa Tanchoeren, who suffers with Lupus, would not be down with that storyline.
Other people have already recognized him this season as "The guy from the video", that's why it bothered me. None of those press vipers recognized him? That, and once she told them he was a war vet, there is no way the cops don't change their approach. People like him get treated with kid gloves by cops, especially…
That was an example of what a pussified nation we've become since 9/11. An explosion that is an almost daily occurrance in some parts of the world makes 300 million people poo their pants. Bin Laden actually won, because he turned us into a nation that lives in fear. Trumpublicans are constantly pissing their diapers…
The press (and SWAT) not knowing who Quinn was bothered me a lot. It enabled the show to do something quite unrealistic, which was the idea that cops would even think of taking down a well-known ***white*** war hero without spending hours, or even days trying to talk him down. They should have known that even in his…
Callie is on the board as the mother of McSteamy's child. She controls her child's shares.
Well, there is a difference difference between >Name your City's"< Pizza Style and >Name Your City's< best pizza. They are often two completely different things. For Instance, in St. Louis, if you are talking about St. Louis Style, you are talking about Imo's, or one of their local imitators. (Just a little bit of…
Well, for Christ's sake, you don't even seem to know who the only purveyor of St. Louis Style that matters is? (Imo's , BTW) so how can I be sure that you know anything else about pizza? I mean, Frank & Helen's for Christ sake? What, did you just ask the first beardy hipster you found in U. City?
I'm not debating the quality of St. Louis Style, but anyone who says that it's anything other than Imo's Pizza is a moron. I've lived here for 36 years and never heard of Frank and Helen's. The author doesn't know shit about pizza if he doesn't know that.
This does definitely sound like Giorgio Moroder, if he was boring.
She was the girl who played "Mac" on Veronica Mars. Tina Majorino is the actresses name.
If it's wrong, I don't want to be right…
Okay, let's narrow it down to "a particular type of writer laziness endemic to AV Club that is so common on this site that I noticed it even though I only read maybe 20% of the articles here".
I read it… and it was clear it was only a news story here because of who received the shrapnel.
Evidently I don't go to the right places to see prime Nickelback jokes, because I really only see them here, and often enough that I feel compelled to defend a band that although inoffensive to me, is not one whose records I would ever buy. To me it's just writer laziness.
Of course not, it was just another example of AV Club taking another free shot at a band that all the cool kids hate because they don't have anything new or interesting to say.
I have always thought that Nickelback (and Black Eyed Peas) slurs is just a lazy way for music critics and other music nerds to signal that "Their cool, not like those wankers who listen to music that is actually popular." To which I say: Go back and listen to more of that Wye Oak crap you are always trying to push on…
I know this is months old, but I am about halfway through Please Kill Me, and my first reaction is that apparently almost everyone in the scene was a douchebag, asshole, criminal or worse. Almost none of them could play and that was considered "Cool"? I can't help thinking that if someone had dropped a nuke on…
Yeah, Thomas Sowell is one of those "Wingnut Welfare" types whose entire career is toadying up to white racists to get that sweet sweet Heritage Foundation money. He knows that as long as he keeps crapping on black people, that money will keep flowing.
Me three…