Bruce from Missouri

AV club should really cover the Dork Forest more than they do. It's one of the most consistently entertaining podcasts out there.

Every time she pulled a hot guy out of line to frisk him when she was at her TSA job. If a male character pulled the sh*t that she did, every OITNB comment section on the internet would have melted down.

Problem is, this might be the single most hipster-y Douchebag-y list they've ever made here, and that's saying a lot.

It was unwatchable.

So, Rom-coms apparently don't count? Only 3 out of fifty, and no Sandra Bullock Rom-coms? No "Miss Congeniality"? No "The Proposal"? For Chrissakes, she won or was nominated for a buttload of awards for that one.

I wouldn't go as far as "Really good", but I have to admit that I liked "Neighbor", "Panhandling Prince", and "Everything About You" a pretty fair amount.

All of his hits were pretty regretful, about people who fucked up their own lives one way or the other(Cat's in the Cradle W.O.L.D., and Taxi) and bemoaning the poor decisions that put them there. It's pretty clear that Kathleen Hanna didn't pay any attention to the lyrics.

I have to admit, I had the Dead Milkmen song for years before I became aware of the existence of "Watching Scotty Grow". I just assumed that it was just another bizzare Joe Jack Talcum composition. And it's far better than the original…it's still on my Ipod.

Piscatella may not condone what the other guards did, but he will never cross the thin blue line, that's been made spectacularly clear. He didn't approve of Blanca's punishment, but once it started, he wouldn't let the guy back down. For him, the guards are always right, even more so when they are clearly wrong.

After this episode Laura Gomez (Blanca) needs to update her resume to add under "Special Skills" "The ability to radiate contempt to a degree heretofore unseen in Hollywood".

Oddly enough, when I went to look her up on IMDB, I stuck around and looked up other actors also and was surprised to see how much younger and prettier than their characters some of the Latina actresses were. Laura Gomez who plays Blanca is only 36 and very pretty when not scowling with bad hair. Elizabeth Rodriguez

Wranglers were also Dale Earnhardt's main sponsor throughout the first half of his career, so they are STILL popular amongst NASCAR Nation…and you know NASCAR Nation is a no homo zone.

Along those lines, check out "The Iron Dream" by Norman Spinrad (1972), in which Hitler emigrates to America in 1919 and becomes a top science fiction writer topping off his career with his 1953 Hugo-winning novel "Lord of the Swastika". Let's just say that "Lord of the Swastika" would have been at the top of the Sad

Yeah, I think that was to show the difference between the old school "real" guards they used to have, and the clowns and psychos they have now.

Nicky's always been predatory…remember her contest with Boo in season 2? Not sure why anyone would be surprised.

Piper is not the worst and never has been. She's not even the fifth worst.
In no particular order, these inmates are all worse than her:
Black Cindy—Shitty mother, sexual assaulter, thief, starter of racial and religious strife.
Aleida: shitty mother, starter of strife, responsible for Sophia being in SHU.
Nicky and Boo:

I can't speak to the rest of Petty's career, but I thought she was phenomenal in "A League of Their Own". I really felt her boiling frustration from a lifetime of being second best to her sister.

Yeah, it's always puzzled me all the hate directed at Piper when Aleida and Black Cindy are both way worse than her. At least Piper occasionally tries to do the right thing, but those two are just garbage human beings.

Black Cindy is the one character I just could not tolerate. She starts out as comic relief, but her flashback shows her to be an absolute garbage human being, with no trauma in her background to explain why she is garbage. She is a thief, a sexual molester, a shit mother and she absolutely belongs in jail. If she was

It's a slang term:
Head N****r In Charge