Bruce from Missouri

Nawww… I don't think that all the time skips have made up for the fact that they took 4 years to get through their intern year. If I had to guess, I would say the show is somewhere in 2014.

Well, if you recall, Callie is the flashcard queen. When the fab 5 were going through their boards, they were all trying to get the flashcards Callie used to study for her boards

Tell that to people of Korean background in Japan. Or please tell me you were joking.

I almost fell out of my chair when Alicia rudely did the crocodile tears thing to Canning.

Yeah, this song sucks and all that, but quite frankly, who is this guy and why should I give a shit about his opinion? I can't think of a Hatesong that wasn't chosen by some hipster douche whose only fans are the AV Club staff. These articles would be more interesting if any of these guys had ever done anything

Of course everyone is going to name "Vincent", but he also took a cover of Roy Orbison's "Crying" to the top 5 in the early 1980's.

Maybe no one is upset because she was a baddie that had it coming?

I was just assuming that what Malick saw WAS his daughter's death, but coward that he was, he couldn't tell her.

Well, she did play "Chun-Li" in the Street Fighter movie, but that was 20 years ago.

Oh, for christ's sake, stop acting like "chink in his armor" is a slur. It's just embarrassing, and makes social justice people look like idiots.

Scott Ian from Anthrax still laughs about that. He told the story on some VH1 show that everybody from that era of heavy metal took their styling cues from Rob Halford, not realizing that they were all dressing like they were part of the London leatherboy gay subculture.

Having grown up in the 1970's, I can say that back then that the straight population hadn't developed any kind of Gaydar. We just thought that Charles Nelson Reilly and Liberace were kinda weird, but most of us didn't really put it together. Gay wasn't even on our radar screens until Anita Bryant's crusade against

For anyone that's interested, a few months ago Kevin Smith watched the movie on his podcast and provided a commentary track. Apparently, it's one of his favorite movies.

I think awkwardness and rage are equally defining traits for Fisk. I also love how his fighting style generally appears to be "great size & strength + 2 year old throwing a tantrum".

Ehh, that didn't bother me. Unlike Luke Cage, JJ is not indestructible, she is just strong. Any boxer will tell you that the punch that knocks you out is the one you never saw. Robyn got her from behind with what looked like a 4x4, not 2x4, so with her powerset it is entirely believable she got knocked out.

Scoring was never what they paid him for. He was paid to rebound, block the occasional shot and to mix it up with the other teams big guys in the paint. Any points he scored was a bonus. That was his role even back in the college days at KU.

I have to say, I thing "1969" was my favorite track off their first album, but it depends on my mood whether I like the first album or "Raw Power" better

Yeah, one of the things that I remember about The Enforcer was how much of an asshole he was to Tyne Daly's character just by the fact that when they were walking together he refused to shorten his stride or slow down for the much shorter Daly, forcing her to keep breaking into a jog to keep up with him. It was just

Same here… I will go as far as to say I like it better….

I didn't mean to make it seem like I was talking about you particularly, just AC fans more generally. If you look at the original post I replied to, I was expressing frustration with that post in particular, and that trend with AC fans in general.