
Will never understand the notion of loan forgiveness. It like asking the government to tell a private loan company that gave you money to go to college of your choice/dreams/limited option. Please do not hold said person who literally signed their name accountable to pay back for not only using the money to go to

Figure Trump would go after Griner for previous statements about removing national anthem from the WNBA or not being on the court during anthem protesting injustice, but he just talked about her literally breaking the law and pros and cons of the trade. Surprising actually. 

I may not like him or his political slant but to deny him the ability to teach is crazy. Shoot, I wish my HBCU had a “law school” or neurosurgeon medical school I would accept Thomas and Carson in a heartbeat and donate even more than I already do. Carson is world renowned and an innovator, Thomas is a brilliant mind.

Kind of excited for this, I hope it is a good film and has good character development. Thor having lose everyone he loves they reduced his actual character arc for good laughs. I hope Ryan does BP legacy and what is left of family right. Just the mother and her daughter and looks like from her line Shuri is doomed

It is available at every cvs, walgreens, grocery store, 7/11 and gas station. Surprised no contraception company has come out against this. Maybe I am only thinking over the basic stuff. Surprised even the grocery stores like BiLO, piggly wiggly, weis and giant haven’t just stated they will continue to provide and sell

Guess I am misunderstanding this one. So they would make it illegal to buy contraception or for the government to give us contraception (free stuff at the clinics and so on)?

The Luke Cage defense is the brand new. 

Figure some form of abortion will be approved especially in rape and incest. We will have to see what states actually do that. Figure with majority of states with more than 50% women that would be a voting suicide not to create state laws.

Now playing

BS Fox has comments about Harris all day everyday whether backhanded or direct. Forgive me for posting this moron but it is just to prove a point

Or we can just use tools that exist to prevent pregnancy from happening. So I do not have to send my SO to make that hard decision and that tool is “99%” effective. Unless that tool is now supposedly having massive failure rates, I think we will be fine. To those who do not plan accordingly, go the tough choices that

Obama, I want to say had a supermajority at one point could of got congress to do their actual job and make laws and not be dependent on executive and/or supreme decision. Two things he should of tried to get out of the way when he got elected was RvW and DACA especially where he stated it was just a stopgap since

Not only Jaylon but Tony Siragusa.

So what about Koreatown during the Riots. Does that count or no? Whites didn’t seem to care when Koreans many whom immigrated from North Korea to South Korea then to CA were shooting latinos, whites and other black people while protecting their own businesses. Or do I need to bring up an individual case where a group

Thanks Candace for the positive news. We could use a little positive news and even better to see a reunion and them honoring him.

Sad that Theroot doesnt have this article but on front page of theroot, they have the animal on there. Thank you Jezebel normally disagree with a lot of your articles but thankful for this one.

Hence you make the choice of if you are going to be with someone and how you want to be with that person whether they have protection or not you decide on if you allow that. Hence control, the decision process is in your hands. If a partner says they don’t want to wear protection and you say no then it goes your way.

Leadership? We are talking about twitter and a former president and his ability to tweet. I don’t think him being on twitter will magically make him president or even likeable. 

Never understood the threat of this. He comes back, you don’t like him, block him; if you do enjoy your notifications. 45 living in people’s head rent free and he isn’t even the current president.

I’ve never understood how women who control sex don’t just tell their partner to wear a dam sock or two or no sex. Seems simple. Takes abortion off the table except for that tricky 1% where birth control doesn’t work. Takes a vast amount dangerous STDs and STIs out of the equation. If you ever hear any of us say we “ca

Weird to watch people celebrate Kobe Bryant death because the type of woman he married and had children with then more strange KS dies he tells men and women included to lose some weight, try to be married before you have kids and get some therapy and people celebrate his death. Know your partner before you have kids.