
I’m not sure what more is there to tell Wan’s story was sort of interesting. I think with Aaron Ehasz, Brian and Michael do amazing work. I would love to see azula arc to fix herself and travel making small differences think of season 2 for Zuko.

Most nonprofessional males maybe top 200 males highly doubtful. You probably want to look up Karsten vs Serena and then I think he also faced Venus. The results were as expected. She is an amazing player but the comparisons between the sexes does not favor her. 

Fascist nonsense is outright murdering them(Most countries with dictators do this) or having them disappear and thrown in Jail(ala China). Neither (checks news) have happen, so what fascist nonsense are you talking about what has happen to her where that term should be used?

This man is a known proven pathological and compulsive liar. Why do “credible” news organizations waste their time repeating any of his claims

Naomi was one of the few who could stop Serena. So this works for Serena one way or another. If she makes it to the finals she ties Court for titles and Evert for appearances. On the other hand people will say with Naomi bowing out she gave the win to Serena which is some bs but we will see how the “media” plays this

He should be but I think in the MCU, he is just a Titan. Otherwise he would of had his powers and would of dealt with all of them easily. All I ask is if one of the What Ifs volume show what if Thanos and The Black Order had their comic book powers.

Everyone having a vibranium suit is going to put a bullseye on anyone. They have made the premise that it is worth billions. So that is trouble especially to someone who doesn’t wear head protection.

Now playing

We going to talk about her failure and failure of the cop to cuff or detain Daunte. Still I think every time I watch one of these at least this reminds me of this video in one aspect or another. 

I wish I could find the video but it pokes at the intro of him being the fastest it is like a screen rant or everything wrong with the flash. 

A contributing factor, maybe. So we should just throw out objective standards, reduce all to the lowest common denominator

Mishra only had a factory. Urza had a mine, tower and power plant! :)

I stopped around Homelands then came back for the set that had Ertai the corrupted and the adapt and then stopped again only to hear Urza had been killed by one of 5 elder dragons. Then absorbed by some other person and I missed the Urza block apparently. Loved the flavor text and minibooks. I know there are more plane

Was funny seeing him react to his own video then he deleted it sadly. A&p have a copy of it and it is all sorts of bad. 

We can’t have it both ways. Mass shooter taken alive 99.9% must be white if alive but tons of our brothers and sisters in jail for shooting people including at police and killing police but mass incarceration. So either all our brothers and sisters in jail for shooting people are the outliers for being arrested so

Well if you are decent person in general you don’t have these anti racial/religion/orientation tweets/post. Making it easier on yourself and your future. I’m sorry if you were an ahole back then, you probably are an ahole now, just know how to mask it.

Accuse family of racism publicly then want some sort of communication. Not how shit works by any ethnicity or any normal standard. Both of them made their bed, let them rest in it. They are still millionaires, just not associated with the Royal family so not sure what the plan was after such interview. I am curious

I fear the day when Sade passes. She is a constant reminder of elegance and class and vocals of an angel vs what we have currently today. 

Already can see my goddaughter when I watch it with her thinking it is the green goblin or Captain Marvel’s friend Talos.

I don’t think this country can handle this now.