
Dwayne Johnson’s handsome physique>Negative reviews

The scene when she tells the cop to fuck off for asking for her boyfriends ID gets put into context when you realize her true motive (if the cop ran Chris’s ID, they would know who he was with before he turned up missing.) The cop was not being racist at all, but simply following protocol, but he is casted as such by

I don’t know which is worse,
1. Lemonade winning best “non-white-women appeal” album award

Really? Trump created this fuckedupedness? America has ALWAYS been like this. Where have you been?

Reality for clueless white people, basically.

I see alot of white people crying today and I am like “why”?

Oh No, White People Feelings Part II: The Quickening

This is not Trump’s America. This is the America every nonwhite person was born in since forever. Lets stop acting like these people weren’t killing us while Obama was in office.

The comment section of this article proves what I and many black people have known for...forfuckingever: No matter how liberal, how educated, how “woke” a white person is, in order to get any sort of empathy out of them, we must appeal to their feelings first. White feelings>>everything

I got Rock, Adam, Bradley, Denzel, Mel, Matthew, Tom, John..

“More sympatico big cities, coasts, and college towns, etc”
Bullshit, I have never lived in any hillbilly, small town and the majority of racism I have encountered has been from people who would proudly tell you how they’re too educated and worldly to have such racists thoughts. I only see white people pushing this

I’m not racist, I don’t hate black people...but my children shouldn’t have to share a classroom with black children, especially if I am affluent....but don’t escalate things by calling it racist-now you’re just being petty.
“One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show

Thank You. Lets stop pretending that racists only come from the Red States.

I apologize. I am in my feelings and lashing out wasn’t cool. I see people are trying to twist what I said to fit what point they are trying to make.

I don’t. Why do you need a white person to tell you how much America sucks for everyone who isn’t?

No, its like white liberals have been keeping a tally, but JUST NOW wanna protest and riot because “OMG, Trump won...I guess passive-aggressive activism doesn’t work after all, sad-face.”

Philando Castille, Standing Rock, Flint Michigan, Pulse, just few you missed in the midst of your white feelings.

Oh shit, I meant that for Richard Papen.

Thank you, Sheesh. When I see your name, I know to expect quality commentary, even if I vociferously disagree. This has been the problem I have in conveying how racism and sexism affects people. It is not the KKK in white hoods or the misogynistic trailer dweller I fear, some of the most bigoted, backwards thinking