Well, he didn’t really say he “ditched” scientology...he just said he did not “practice” scientology, which could mean “I actually practice Dianetics”....which means he still may be a scientologist.
Taken from Google:
Well, he didn’t really say he “ditched” scientology...he just said he did not “practice” scientology, which could mean “I actually practice Dianetics”....which means he still may be a scientologist.
Taken from Google:
Well, he didn’t really say he “ditched” scientology...he just said he did not “practice” scientology, which could mean “I actually practice Dianetics”....which means he still may be a scientologist.
Taken from Google:
WOW... THE Jen Richards?
She’s came a looooooong way from her Trans100 and Buzzfeed video appearance days. Congrats, girl!
How were you able to type all that while keeping your food down? Cuz I was gagging after the third paragraph.
Personally, this kitty gets wet for The Go-Bots, but diff’rent strokes...
Half of the internet....R.I.P.
I’m sure you already know about it, but please check out this wonderful site detailing the accomplishments (and struggles) of black armed servicewomen during WWII:
See, people-THIS is how you do a rape joke!
Look at that thirsty dude....LOL!
Be still my heart, so many badass women in this photo!
Perhaps when she stop providing Jez-worthy material to tear apart.
Please try it, people-IT WORKS, LOL!
Lena’s a comedian?
Lena is the living embodiment of the phrase “free, white, and young”. Historically, socially-I can’t blame him.
This is the problem whenever people label themselves in the public spectrum-if you gonna claim that label, you don’t get let off the hook when your words and deeds don’t line up with the ideological label you’ve chosen to be associated as. The echo chamber that is Internet Intersectional Feminism/Social Justice…
It’s like, “I am going to be an asshole to you, but if you feel you must hold me accountable, please be nice about it or STFU, PC crybaby.”
Denis Leary stole his whole fucking persona....