Reppin’ this film from the grays!
Reppin’ this film from the grays!
The .gif that keeps on giving.
If we are gonna be all for the slow-death approach for justice as a way to pat ourselves on the back for being a civilised society and saving innocent black folks and blah blah, can we at least do it properly to ensure maximum suffering? Or is suffering off the table, too, and we just go about our business and hope…
Meh, this was done better....back when it was called Beat Street.
And there will be hordes of chubby white guys cosplaying her character.
Welp, excuse me and my poor attempt at humor. But my comment is still true. *shrugs*
Close, but lemme niggasplain on this. Historically, if you wanted to devalue a black man, you called him a “nigger”. Historically, when you wanted to devalue a woman, you called her a “bitch”. It is common amongst people of a certain racially-imposed status to turn these things into terms of endearment (or whatever…
White people can’t practice what they preach.
When you can afford to work for “connections”, does it really matter?
FINALLY, some positive black news.
I saw this movie with my coworker and her daughter. Special FX are alright, much better story than I was expecting, but still not okay with the idea that a white girl will leave the theater feeling empowered to be a engineer or scientist, and a black girl will leave feeling empowered to be comic-relief.
Fuck him and this “AllLivesMatters” bullshit. I am tired of white people using that shit to silence and diminish issues that do not affect them. Like the only time these motherfuckers wanna whine about how “oppressed” they are by police violence is when it happens to nonwhites, yet if it is such a fucking issue WHY…
I haven’t watched the show yet, but I am proud of Amber for capitalizing on her moment and not being another video girl.
I still got love for Shante, I grew up on her raps, BUT, I was disappointed that she lied about being a doctor several years ago.
I have to remind myself (and, sadly, others) that as “awesome” as this country is, for any non-white child born before 2008, if you even hinted at wanting to be POTUS around an adult-you were laughed at or condescended to.
I’d watch/read that.
Agreed, but, how does he stack up against The Rock?
Damn that Dwayne Johnson exists that I must compare every man to him.