Meghan sounds black? Bish don’t put that on us!
I can’t be the only one that thinks the name “Tanner” sounds like an Ivy League rapist name.
Its like the Jill Stein/Green Party of accusations, though-I see what you’re saying and there is some truth in it, but you gon’ need more people....jus’ sayin’.
Especially when phones are damn near the size of an iPad.
No one cares.
Now, howabout we start a campaign to get all the other kids away from Heartlight? Or naah?
Kerry Washington
..and then Jezebel will be up in arms about how Beyonce didn’t give proper credit to Mother Earth.
Sheesh, I knew this Beyonce article wouldn’t stand on Jezebel/Themuse without some passive-aggressive shade from the comments section.
Ehh, I’m fine with being a hypocrite, I don’t care how other people interpret my stance on certain issues. In this case-fuck it, fry him.
All outrage aside, daaaammmmnnn I wish I had me some good white parents like his. That is like being born with a winning lotto ticket and acceptance letter to Harvard. Shhhhhiiieeeettt, I wouldn’t waste that good white parenting fucking around and raping.
“Boys gonna be boys”......this bitch needs to stop.
I don’t know how anyone can look at a face like that and then say, “yup, totally do not support the death penalty”. That much evil cannot be allowed to exist within the realm of the living.
Naaaah, too lenient.
Hard to argue with the filmmaker when she chose to stay faithful to the source material. I applaud that.
Why has no one put together a yearbook/facebook photo database of all these pussy-poaching patriarchal predators? This way, we can see what these fuckers look like in the wild.
Just all-around fuckery.
If you think women are not as interested in sex as you would like...man, fuck what YOU think.
See, this is what “wealth” privilege looks like-when you can complain that it isn’t working for you, like, “damn, I didn’t work this hard to earn all this money and status to have to deal with poor people problems...like consequences”.