
Dating men for money = bad.

Idk but I’m really upset about it. The point of sandals is that you put them on in a second and you’re ready to go and comfortable right? Those just seem crazy. Like leg cages.

In fugly as hell gladiator sandals. When did those come back in style, and who do I have to punish for it?

I certainly hope his probation officer will be out to get him.

In some states you can be denied housing for owning a gun.

I’ve handled guns since I was four* and never had an accidental discharge. (*With direct supervision).

not only are they simple, only one needs to actually be followed. Someone can fuck up on 3 of them, but as long as they manage to make one of the four, everyone gets to go home.

Anyone who can’t learn those simple rules has no business carrying a gun. The end.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

I have a strong feeling he would LOVE YOU for that and proceed to converse very knowledgeably about her!

It’s the “Russian Squat”... goes well with adidas tracksuits.

Why is he doing a “prison pose”?

“Judge Wants At Least 37 Non-Political Pieces of Flair Per Attorney, 11 of Which Must Support the Iggles”

She's an "unacceptable risk." In other words, she's a Senior female who will probably by housed on the gov. dime (or homeless). We can't have people like this wandering around reminding us where we all might be "one paycheck away." Scary "olds" reminding us of our fragile mortality *shudder*