
@Tweeks: Yeah I remember the article something about an iPad app which is frankly bullshit.

Aren't they already combined? I'm confused, where is the microphone hole? I thought the mic was in the headphones...

@ctxppc: Your a huge douche

@domhnall: Haha my thoughts exactly... If they named him like, John Kirby Huffelpuff Savage none of this would ever happen...

Haha I keep seeing videos showing the physics of the game with simple red character models and neon green environments... I have to remind myself that the actual game is actually beautifully designed.

@vein11: Yeah I know... When you think about the iPhones contribution to humanity as a whole its ridiculous to say it is the greatest invention of the 21st century...

I have to agree with some of the other commenters, we are a mere 10 almost 11 years into the 21st century. And obviously another huge factor is that new innovation drives FURTHER innovation so not only will we continue at our already rapid rate of inventing we will exponentially get faster!

I personally did not think these were creepy or anything. The premise was actually pretty funny and I daresay cute.. the way the TV is like a puppy thats grown older and been neglected for a while... I like it

This is cool. I got through the first two seasons of Dexter fairly quick using netflix and then to my surprise I saw that season 3 and 4 were... UNAVAILABLE!!@!$@$

If this was the big update I'd be so disappointed. I seriously would cry myself to sleep. How boring? The last thing I wanna see is a "Like" button in my fucking iTunes.

@NEStor27: Yeah I agree but honestly it's like 3 days in between. I don't think it will make a difference.

Is nobody concerned at all about the fact that your hard drives would fill up like mad?!

Ok I had this idea... it may not be based on any fact but here it goes..

@Orionsaint: I'd agree that the effects were cool and all but I just didn't like that movie... Something about the fact that none of these super-advanced alien species was ever able to figure out how to restart their ship.. I mean really?

I'm surprised Sega isn't taking the initiative to go ahead and make this game. If they released it on Xbox live Arcade I'm sure it would be a good sell..

Sega ** not Sgea

@superberg: Yeah but (and I don't own an Android) it seems like users are talking about huge differences between their phones that came with 1.5 or 1.6 etc.

Well ok I know this isn't really a bad thing but I mean doesn't Android update like every 5 minutes?? At least with the iPhone there is a convenient way to get the latest update... not that you need it since usually the phone you get has already been updated...

Make it look like the guns in Call of Duty WaW when you upgrade them in The Zombie Factory!!

Can this graph also be titled "Time of Day when people Jerk Off"?