
@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: I feel like it would, I'm sure Apple wouldn't want to change the manufacturing too much (i.e having to remove the SIM slot and such)

Hahaha the part where he takes three shots to destroy the old computer screen brings back memories. Me and my friends wanted to recreate the "Office Space" scene where they go off on the copier with a baseball bat.

Can someone tell me what technical issues switching from GSM to CDMA would cause? Would the phone still work like it does?

Oh hey the Jonas Brothers released a new song?

Wait, digital music sales haven't already overtaken physical sales?! I thought that happened a while ago.

When they say books in EXISTENCE, do they count older books that may have been destroyed? Basicly, are all texts EVER written counted or all current existing books?

Wow this is nice, I think one of the most annoying things about having multiple devices hooked up to your TV is ALL the wires. This solves that nicely but how do you use a remote? I mean theres no way that could work right?

Uh.. reading this article at 2:45 AM (I have my reasons damnit) that video scared that SHIT out of me.. a bunch of gray and black humanoid things rocking back and forth... haha its very creepy

To which BP replied "Let us handle it were good at spreading shit all over the Gulf we'll have this done in no time"

Haha unfortunately, the way I ride and dismount my bicycle would be... Disastrous to my iPhone to say the least

@df747jet: Cause I had funny insightful comments, certainly unlike yourself. I mean guys did you all see every other comment on this article? Every other person is accusing this guy of being a loser for playing StarCraft 2, I said (foolishly) that he was "gay" totally not referring to his or anyone else's sexuality. I

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Speaking of Stars, I NO LONGER HAVE MY GIZMODO STAR!!! I'm genuinely heartbroken but see this as a challenge because earning the star is actually pretty fun

@Tony Kaye: Okay Sorry I offended you guys didn't really mean it that way I guess I just thought he sounded hypocritically dorky (He plays StarCraft but despises a pretty geeky product). I read it after the first person commented and realized how aweful it sounds.

Shld h ncld "lkng fr rm mt wh lks sckng dck nd DnD"? mn yr gnn snd lk sm sphstctd prsn rjctng pplr tch. nd thn tlk bt StrCrft xclsvty? Y'R GY

I know it isn't very Apple-esque but other companies release multiple phone models, why wouldn't Apple?

@designguybrown: High-end stuff? YouTube is High-end? YOUTUBE IS HIGH-END?!

@Antubis: It seems very un-Google but what about other companies? NBC would be happy if people were just watching their ad-supported videos and nothing else, because everything else took an hour to load

This is really weird... Could someone with a better understanding tell me this: If say most big internet content providers (like Google, NBC, CBS) started paying to have their content accelerated, would that slow down other smaller companies?

Wait is this real? I thought he only wore that shit for the Keynote presentations