
@anacrotic: Yeah I agree. A phone being a mobile device should not exceed a certain size.. Otherwise it gets awkward to hold and uncomfortable to carry in your pocket

Why are people getting excited that Hulu is now a paid service? Like yay now I get to pay for shit that for the most part I was getting for free!! (I realize there will be new features but cmon) I think all free services that are turned into paid should be mourned...

@Edix: I think a better solution is to teach these Africans that there are better ways of solving their issues other than hacking to bits the other tribe.

@Chris Pratt: I think you might have misinterpreted this article. It's meant to be a joke.

@moonlightseal: That honestly seems like the best option at this point

Honestly, this turns me off from buying ANY phone! I mean jesus that's expensive as hell

I heard that these are directly proportional to the character's penis length.... Hmmmm?

I say... play real Ping Pong ya' friggen idiot!!

This is cool but I really don't see how it's practical or anything

@Sean Reynolds: I believe the issue is that in large scale fusion reactions (which are the end goal of this experimentation) the heat is so intense it actually melts the containers they react the hydrogen in. Therefore the energy cannot be harnessed because it pretty much destroys everything

@Polite Society: wait really? I honestly didnt even know there were posting rules!! WHAT HAVE I DONE!

@techynottreky: uh idk why my post got all the vowels removed... thats annoying

Whn ths kd gs t hv sx fr th frst tm h's gnn b lk

This was pretty dumb

@neutiquam: Haha I started watching this movie a couple days ago... Got a little weirded out after the guys dick was bitten off... but hilarious immediately thought of this movie when I saw the article

Ok, I get it. These DevTeam guys or whatever are super cool and awesome hackers. But why is it that every jailbreak article is like, showing off how FAST they broke it or whatever? It's like people going "Oh my son read harry potter 7 in 13 hours" NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!!!

@Kanji08: Well many people's priorities have stopping racists near the top... Just doing my job, me and Ghandi, and Martin Luther King (he's an internationally know civil rights activist by the way)

@Kanji08: Uh actually in the civilized north we don't abuse mentally handicap? I of course accept cultural differences and appreciate the fact that you at your various Klan meetings in Tennessee are only exercising your rights and hey man thats great... Bet you're pissed about the blacky president... shit man... only

@Kanji08: I'm sorry man my mother is a biologist (not just internationally know but galacticly) and we were discussing nuclear fusion when we saw your latest comment! Were you referring to me as the "ignorant kid on the ___ who has to insult people... blah blah blah"