
Yeah, if you need a knife so fine that it can split that hair, it’s probably a good idea to just stab yourself in the neck with it.

Can my band “Blow Me, Reince” open for you?

“Liberal Thuggery” is my new band’s name. No one is allowed into our shows.

Milo. If you ever have to clarify that you don’t support pedophilia, you support ephebophila, you should know you’re already on the wrong side of the argument.

I usually ignore this turd but I have seen a little bit here and there and I don’t recall him presenting so femme. I knew he was gay but the makeup, excessive jewelry, and the way he’s presenting himself here feels like another form of mockery. Am I just working from too small of a sample size?

You don’t even needs to speak out against torture, you just need to speak in defense of FACTS. Torture doesn’t work, and leads to false intel. There’s no need for a moral debate. Too bad the party of family values thinks data’s some mumbo jumbo uppity conceptual theory.

Remember that time Paul Ryan called Trump a textbook bigot and then voted for him? And that time all the republicans came out against the Pussygate tapes and then voted for him? LOLOLOLOL

I agree with these glass-half-full points and admire your perspective, but my feelings are closer to the article headline than to your sentiments here.

Apropos of nothing, Jim Inhofe is behind McCain in this photo. Fuck Jim Inhofe.

God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?

McCain and Lindsay Graham are both the worst kind of politicians: all talk with no fucking spine to support the words they say.  They are toothless dogs who bark all the time yet will lick the hand of any Republican within range while simultaneously humping their leg.

In the same way some people will never mentally leave the 2016 Democratic primaries, I feel like national political media is forever trapped in February 2000 whenever they hear his name. Though it doesn’t explain why Hambiscuits Graham gets dragged into being considered “respectable” too.

Considering Sarah Palin normalized rank stupidity, I’d say there’s (at least) one other prominent dipshit he’s got to apologize for.

… isn’t he the only R in congress promising committee hearings into the Russian connections…

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.

John McCain gave us Sarah Palin who gave us literally everything bad that has ever happened since then. I will never forgive John McCain for that.

I think McCain is an excellent illustration of how positive character traits are not necessarily transitive from one context to another. Just because he was brave in one circumstance hasn’t precluded his being a coward others.

McCain has done more than most Republican Senators by simply speaking out against Trump, but I lost all respect when he confirmed DeVos. When it comes down to it, Republicans have proven themselves to be Party over Country. and they should be ashamed.