
This is your work? It’s gorgeous!

Why would they do that? There’s no need for research, facts, context, supporting documents and arguments. Just inference and anger and “TOLD YOU SO!”

orangémon is maybe my favorite one yet.

I studied abroad in London, and I’m from the southern US. I was in a Sainsbury’s when a small, old lady sneezed. I turned to her and said “bless you!”. She looked at me as though I might have actually blessed her!

Michelle looks beautiful and so happy and relaxed. Missy Elliott looks amazing and has such an infectious energy. This was so fun!

I cannot tell you how many sandwiches I’ve ordered that I didn’t actually want because I was terrified in the lunch line and said the first thing that came to mind. It usually works out...

I cannot imagine how terrified she must have felt. Yeah, I’m sure she was expecting people to yell at her and be angry, but to have someone smother you with an American flag? :( this. I’m sort of shocked by the reaction here.

AGREED. The sensible footwear detail made me smile.