
Well seen as though he actively protested having a birthday party…it was a fitting punishment for Archie to have to clean the whole house by himself while hungover. Lesson learned? Time will tell…but Archie diving for that liquor cabinet as soon as he got off the phone with his Dad after talking about their divorce

That's tragic and sweet at the same time. An utter tragi-sweet!

I can so hear that being said in Skeet's husky voice. XD

Yeah, I vote couch. Maybe he saw that Archie had left a sock on the door, so he got the hint that there was a girl "sleeping over" and stayed downstairs. Heh…boy was he surprised when he saw who came strolling down the stairs the next morning! :P

Or at the very least, we gotta get a line from Alice, at the end of the school year, "School's out for Summer!" ;)

"..Now they're breakdance fighting!" XD

Check out this Riverdale/Mad Men mash up they made at Netflix Nordic. Had me lol-ing! Sorry, I don't know how to link just the meme, but it's only 1 down from the top tweet, so it's not hard to find:…

"Daaaaaamn…Jughead got Hot!" - CW Network Execs upon seeing Cole in tank top in episode #8 (also: me) ;)

I wasn't expecting to like the pairing as much as I have been too! It's pretty sweet and low-key as far as teen tv drama relationships go. Helps that both characters are pretty stinkin' adorable in their own right. Veronica is the #1 Bughead Shipper! Heck, even Alice Cooper is weirdly on board for Bughead. Color me

I think that would be an interesting way to develop a tv character with an (as far as I know) fairly underrepresented type of sexual identity. And although I don't personally know anyone who is asexual, I imagine that anyone who does identify as ace didn't just wake up one day and realize that they were asexual

Did they really have internet message boards that far back? The first show I remember 'talking' about online was X-Files in the 90's when I was a teenager and we finally got dial-up internet in 1996! That connecting modem squeal still nostalgically haunts my dreams… ;P

Well, imo, your daughter picked a good celeb to have a crush on - cuz Cole appears to be very intelligent young man, who possesses a wonderful dry wit and is incredibly artistic and talented (both in acting and photography). Seems like a genuinely good dude. I have to admit that I've been crushing on him a bit myself

His character's name is Joaquin (played by Rob Raco). And yes, his eyes are hypnotically beautiful! <3

"Dear Agent Cooper…why no response about me killing Laura Palmer? Are you still on the case? If not, please forward to the proper authorities. Yours truly, Leo "The Murderer of Laura Palmer" Johnson" XD…

Yikes…won't be able to unsee that imagery anytime soon. Also, LOL! XD

Looooooove him! Also, I think it's pretty hilarious how totally unfazed Alice Cooper is about Jughead hanging around their house all the time, making out with Betty in her room, while she was *so* steadfastly, vehemently against Betty being anywhere near Archie and how deeply she (seemingly) hated Jason Blossom and

UGHH…I don't think my Twin Peaks lovin' heart could handle seeing Madchen in a waitress uniform *other* than the Double R Diner teal one…blasphemy! Which we'll be seeing again veeeery shortly…. ;)

I was so confused when Hal fired Alice. Are we meant to assume that only the Dad owns the "Riverdale Register"? I guess that's his Grandpappy Cooper's family business that was left to him. Every family has a legacy in this town, apparently!
Maple syrup (in barrels (for ageing purposes?) no less) being at the top of

He's the dog from "Up". I originally heard this comparison on a podcast and is so fittingly accurate for Archie. "I just met you and I love you - Squirrel!"

^^This!! Archie is a *total* Jordan Catalano! I rewatched "My So-Called Life" a couple years ago and couldn't get over how perfectly stupid Jordan Catalano was. My adult woman eyes can now see that Brian Krakow was clearly the guy who deserved Angela's affections…*sigh*…Loved that show! <3
P.S. - How cool is it that we