
No puppet.

I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and

In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.

Whatever happened to cutting a hole in a vegetable or gourd of some sort, microwaving it for a couple of seconds, and fucking it?

Really? I like Biden but I think he would be too easily goaded into a name calling contest with Trump. I have a lot of issues with Hillary on a policy level but I don’t think there’s anyone better to face Trump. She’s the most level headed person I’ve ever seen and since Trump’s misogyny seems to have been one of the

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

I’m seeing an awful lot of people online this morning on various news sites commenting on the Kim story saying “they should have killed her.” or “too bad she survived, because she’s a whore.”

Gina Rodriguez is that social media friend who won’t stop gushing about her “King”, then 3 months later cross posts a cryptic message from Instagram like

- Tim Burton, basically.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

I want to take a moment for those who live outside of Minnesota to try and express How Very Seriously And Deeply the people here take the Wetterling case. I moved here in 2000, and it was mere weeks before it was explained to me that one left one’s porch light on for Jacob, and how his disappearance was a loss of

Jewel’s response is lovely:

This is your obligatory reminder that whatever you think of American prudery when it comes to the sex lives of politicians, Anthony Weiner didn’t go down for a little harmless consensual sexting. The “accidental” tweet that broke the story was an unsolicited dick pic sent to a college student who had tweeted him about

Mongooses are actually kind of badass though. Anthony Weiner is like a middle aged pantsless guinea pig dressed in a cheap dominatrix halloween costume in a purple PT Cruiser blasting Nsync in the Dairy Queen parking lot on a Friday night and trying to pick up college girls. Nothing badass, all just bad.

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.

a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.