
Exactly. Obama energized black Americans to come out and vote. No one reputable chastised them for it. It’s significant for our country to elect a woman president and I can see why it matters so much to older feminists especially. I’m reminded of an elderly woman meeting Secretary Clinton and how meaningful it was to

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?

Another suggestion is not to make it about personalities. She sounds like a politician because she is a politician and there is nothing wrong with that. She has to be, because a woman could never get away with running off the cuff as a 74 year old in a frumpy suit, with flyaway hair and yellowing teeth and yelling

What is it about Clinton that you find disingenuous? Not that I really think personality should trump qualifications or positions on the issues.

I think that would be tricky in this case since the issue isn’t failure to represent Cosby appropriately during a criminal case, but rather relying on legal advice to do something that becomes evidence in a criminal case in the future. Cosby’s real goal is to get that evidence excluded in the upcoming criminal trial

I’m sorry, if you don’t get that shit in writing, it is not binding. If this were some unlawyered Joe Schmoe I might conceivably toy with the idea of feeling bad for him, but millionaires with lawyers need to get their promises of immunity in writing.

If someone who wasn't wealthy and powerful tried pulling this shit in court would it have any chance of working? I'm so sick of the people who say their aren't 2 America's .

First of all, let me say that I totally get where you’re coming from; my immediate reaction was essentially the same. There is definitely a vulnerability issue with teens on social media, and I don’t think anyone is quite sure what to do about it.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps because when I was 15, AOL charged by the minute and I only had dial up and I am jealous. Or perhaps because I don’t really see 14yo’s battling terrorism online, or at least the 14yo’s I teach. I do deal with 14yo’s using social media to share nude pics of themselves

Same to you <3. It’s...complicated. I did things I didn’t want to do because I was afraid to say no, because I knew it would be a fight that would end in him calling me a slut again and possibly kicking me out. So I figured it was easier to just do it than endure more psychological wounds. Turns out, just a different

Same, I didn’t want it to be the case so I did whatever I could to believe otherwise. Couldn’t fool my body though, I was never comfortable with him again. I’m sorry this happened to you, I hope you find peace and happiness <3

I used dirty talk during a scene and he got mad and fucked my ass until I was unable to keep working due to blood and pain.
He used a cattle prod on me when I told him no, it was outlined in my contract and on my sheet of limits.
We were participating in consent play and he ignored my safe word.
While we were

the majority could be at least some kind of assault and at most rape. did you even read them? “feminists” are not encouraging rape fantasies...what do you even mean? like what are these words you’re saying?

It took me months and months and months,” she told The Guardian, “over a year of months to be able to be able to call it what it was – which was rape.”

No. No, I’m pretty sure this is a straightforward situation: ISIS is evil and we are not. Full stop. Life isn’t a Howard Zinn book.

Yeah, I’m not denying any of that, but stupid is still stupid. You have to remember, this isn’t following a band on tour or doing drugs on the weekend. There are thousands of people a year running away from home, to a country they’ve never been to a quarter of the world away to fight in a holy war.

I agree. I grew up in a poor, inner city neighborhood. Many of the boys that I went to school with got involved in gangs for many pass the time, feel a sense of belonging, to feel safe, to have a family. I imagine that it is the same scenario in ISIS recruiting.

What about the girls who join ISIS and then beat the women of Raqqa who wear their abayas too tight or step out of line in some way? It’s not only the men terrorizing people there. We don’t know the story with these girls, of course, but it’s pretty hard for me to feel sympathy for girls and women who freely chose to

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Potential terrorists who are victims of their own stupidity?