
Yes, he is thick and oozes everywhere.

Questions I need reporters to ask: How can you say Jesse Jackson, one of your dearest friends, was raised by a single mom and say that women can’t raise men? What about Obama, Lebron and countless other black men successfully raised by black women?

Welcome to the Whore/Madonna complex that is rife in Christianity and Society. We been taking the rap for ain’t shit men and their behavior since the dawn of time.

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. doesn’t have any regrets about his highly criticized eulogy delivered at Aretha Franklin’s funeral on Friday

The black church is way overdue for its own metoo and timesup movements and those two idiot preachers showed exactly why.—-AMEN and AMEN! I wonder how many women he has privately “ministered” to/ “prayed” with. Funny, people like him always look past their own dirt to tell you about yours.

He was garbage and aligned with the dancing coons who supported 45- Clark, Carson, Steve Harvey, Chappell, and those black preachers who keep popping up and those who watch Kelly sit on her feet on that Oval Office picture.

Republicans may not buy that many sneakers, but they buy enough stock in sneaker companies to benefit from the labor of black well as children in sweat shops, of course.

This deserves more stars

The lineup of death is in big trouble now, boyo. This is the Lineup of the Heat Death of the Universe because right after that is when it’ll win a championship.

It’s no surprise that a guy who couldn’t read defenses also can’t read basic scientific facts.

I mean, the sad thing is that he didn’t co-opt the movement...some of us handed it over to him before we’d even known the details of the story.

smh.. in the context of the wedding spectacle the blackity-black moment mattered in a facilitating & unrewarding way.. Blackity-Black moments should uplift, inspire, signify, not serving or legitimizing oppressive forces.

If you are African American all your “Blackity-Black moments” are being performed in the heart of an institution/structure which enforced white superiority, imperialism and even gave its blessing to those who enslaved your ancestors.

Read the trial trasncripts. The Jesus Juice claims were among the many lies the Arvizos made up. MJ never ever gave alcohol to any kid let alone the one he was trying to save when he had cancer. Read this open letter written by a woman whom the Arvizos used and betrayed just like they did it with MJ.

You know how everyone is so fearful of paedophiles getting jobs involving children? Like sports coaches and scout leaders and teachers, that those professions are almost paranoically scrutinised?

God fucking dammit. This shit pisses me the fuck off. I teach kids who have lived through severe trauma and I would be lying if I said that the track of their home life, the things they have witnessed at a young age that would send a shiver down your spine, and their lack of support system may mean that some of them

The Root: “The Beckys can’t get any Beckier.”

To the man’s house who does...

This kinda reminds me of the erasure of color and trans people from the movie Stonewall. It’s just very odd to me that a director of a movie just has to actually insert their story into a story that has nothing to do with him. The fact that Ridley wanted an Asian woman as the protagonist because his wife is Asian