Complete ban on handguns. Complete ban on semi-automatic weapons. NJ style FOID for long guns, with limits on total #s owned, and the amount of ammunition. Guns in the house must be locked up; gun owners must submit to unannounced spot checks.
Complete ban on handguns. Complete ban on semi-automatic weapons. NJ style FOID for long guns, with limits on total #s owned, and the amount of ammunition. Guns in the house must be locked up; gun owners must submit to unannounced spot checks.
What gun controls would you like to see in place?
Honestly? Ban guns. Fuck it, man.
That’s hilarious. Wait, are you serious?
Gun control. Let’s try that.
I’ve got something living under my shed - there’s an actual burrow the previous owners put a wire mesh over. Based on the way the snow’s been dug out there and trails around the backyard, a fairly strong presence. I’m thinking of getting a webcam and training it on the shed from the dining room to see if I can…
I know we’re all rooting for Fultz to be put out of his misery, but a shooting expert seems premature and frankly, cruel.
Bunny fact... a full grown rabbit can kill a house cat. I know this because my pet rabbit was running around in my backyard and two feral cats appeared out of nowhere to perform a concerted bunny hunt. One of the cats escaped, the other didn’t. I felt sad for them, but was proud as hell of my rabbit.
I live in the south, and Sunday mornings are the best time to do anything because EVERYONE is at church.
For me, it is as simple as the NFL (and MLB has similar challenges) being too damn exhausting to watch. Get the damn games to 2 hour run times and my interest might not fade in and out so much.
I’d urge everyone to step away from the NFL for a breather, then come back at it with an open mind. It is a painfully-slow moving sport. The NFL could probably stem the tide for a while by keeping a running clock after things like incomplete passes, and forcing more of an NHL-like fixed number of TV timeouts. The game…
I didn’t watch the first quarter because I knew the grocery store would be empty.
Camillie, I mean this in an eye opening way. Go to the Doris duke digital collection on Americana West oral history collections at the Marriott Univ of Utah library and just listen to what the ranchers of the 1910s through 1950s had to say about the Utes around Salina, Utah. It’s heartbreaking and enraging. It’s on…
As a kid, I particularly enjoyed the picture book where Not Great Heaven was drawn as a trailer park.
So go get high on the pipe, kids!
DPD getting sassy.
Oh, you’re that guy...
Doctrine & Covenants 131: