Kim Kardashian gave us all a fright on Friday when it was revealed (or seemed to be) that the star was on the fence…
Kim Kardashian gave us all a fright on Friday when it was revealed (or seemed to be) that the star was on the fence…
I rememeber Arken. I don’t think it has been confirmed they are the same person, but dear god they have the exact same m.o.
He used to have an account under the name, Arken, which he changed to Blooooo. He will be back. Check out these comments, it’s so obviously him.
From everything that has been posted I think a break, whether temporary or permanent, from this community will be good for you. The situation isn’t healthy for you. Good luck.
See you tomorrow!
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother, but I love your attitude about it. My mim says, “Some of the best grandmothers are made so by the worst ones. Living a full life is a prerequisite for the job, don’t forget!”
That’s not exactly the complete narrative of this mess, but whatever you need to tell yourself to continue this martyr complex thing you have going on...
Thank you. <3 She is truly the best. This earth does not deserve her.
She asked me what “internet” I was on, and I told her it was Jez. She said, “I will be Jezebel’s grandmother tonight.” lol she’s the best <3
Your grandmother sounds wonderful. Can I borrow her? :)
Please hug your grandma for me. She sounds amazing.
Your grandmother is awesome.
I’m so sorry, Scrunchie. I haven’t been through this, so I’m bumping for the most part.
Yeesh, point of order here.
Jimmy Fallon’s interview with Donald Trump, where he acted like a 7 year old boy messing around with his favourite uncle. He and Timberlake are both really immature and obnoxious. It’s not like Fallon didn’t know it would be insulting to his non-white friends and colleagues to have Trump on his show and to treat him…
Parents, friends, and strangers do a public service by keeping their secret sex photographs and receipts of…
Also, as he’s revealed his character to us more and more over the years, he has gotten uglier. He’s hideous. After last week, I’m understanding how and why he and Jimmy Fallon are best buds.
He is not attractive at all. He released his first self titled album and all the black girls on Temple’s campus-including me (specifically the theater department b/c I was a theater major) were like he is so handsome lalalalal NO. We were dumb twenty year olds.
Trans people deserve a much better mainstream spokesperson.
Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself.