Bronco Henry

but I still want to have some street cred with my uncles and cousins who still dominate the dirt track where I grew up.”

It’s fun. My history with the franchise is that I’ve seen all of them, but I eyeroll at them quite a lot. I find the ego battles like the one between Vin Diesel and The Rock especially amusing.

They have semis in Europe too.

You’re ignoring the bit about hyper-aggression and pepper-spraying a family with young children.

I sat in a loaded Grand Wagoneer a couple weeks ago. It looks way better in person than in photographs (unlike the new Escalade/Denali/Tahoe which look awkward AF on the road) and I was impressed. The interior is kinda spectacular, which I suppose will also be a big selling point.

Every time I try to click on a reply to one of my posts, I need to search through the whole string of other story replies, find my reply, then open up the replies to my reply.

Second gear: That’s not a vote of no confidence, that’s a vote of asset diversification and cashing in big time.
For all we know, the guy left because realized “to hell with it, I’m worth hundreds of millions of dollars, my boss is a tool, and don’t need to work for him to live like a king forever
which is exactly the

He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,

The only reason it has broad bipartisan support is because it's largely symbolic. 

Black man who celebrates Juneteenth here ... I’d definitely prefer more substantive legislation, but the truth is the passage of it as a federal holiday with broad bipartisan support is a very small but nonetheless real consequence of the protests of last summer.

This was my first thought as well. You can also get them in some funky colors.

Binding orders do give you a baseline of income and one or more launch customers you can point to, hopefully as use-case success stories.

Mixing weed and booze? Do you want the spins? Cause that’s how you get the spins 

They’d invent the fucking SHIELD Helicarrier for it.

Yea, except they were white rabbits. You know there’s a limited hunting season on white rabbits. ....oh, you said Babbits.

Not to mention that its well documented that VP Harris loves to cook. 

boy, I tell you if it was bunch of black people there would have been helicopter gunships in the air.

There should have been piles of dead Babbitts all over the Capitol building. The US sure knows how to go soft on white traitors.

Kamala Harris Hosted a Women Senators Dinner, But Who Was It For?

the cheese puffs Harris allegedly cooked herself”