Bronco Henry

I’ll leave the room to go to the bathroom or get another drink, strut back and sing, “What did I miss?!”

He looks like someone who knows he got played and fucking looks like Vehicle Voltron in those shoes, so today was not a good look for him at all.

It’s easy to blame Woodward, but don’t shoot the messenger. Bob Woodward didn’t take an oath to protect and defend the United States, Trump did. Could Woodward had sound the alarm? Yes, but it would’ve been met with denials, even with the tapes. Blame instead Trump and the thousands of enablers in his administration

God these new homepages are messy. I didn’t care when it was Gizmodo because I’ve all but quit reading them as their content quality tanked, but Jalopnik is still a fun read.

This feels like a subplot from Dear White People. I can’t understand how things that sound and feel like satire get approved without someone saying, “Are you fucking with me with this idea, Jerrard?”

Nothing can get someone an unearned promotion faster than being named “Josh.”

Unfortunately, NBC will never give it, because they silenced her with an NDA.

Also: Super-Duper Sand Crawlers

The price is high because the costs to make it are high. R&D, battery material, marketing, all that is pricier than a ICE vehicle. On the consumer side is range anxiety, money to install a home charger if they can, and needing a good charging network. Without incentives, people won’t adapt, meaning demand for

Also think the A4 to A8 upgrade is massive too as Audi loses a lot of the plastic-fantastic on the console.

And “I’d buy one tomorrow if Hyundai dealerships weren’t so bad” comments.

Kenneth Brannagh’s take on Cinderella is an underrated delight. It adds interesting character development to the story we all know by fleshing out Cinderella’s father and why he’d marry the stepmother. Even without that, it’s worth seeing just for Cate Blanchett’s junebug green dresses.

He Root has to find this actor and interview him. What a wild gig

A lot of people are over romanticizing the old Grand Wagoneer as some off-road macho truck of yore. It was no International Scout or K5 Blazer, it was a vehicle for the fancy mom who needed to shuttle her kids around Shaker Heights. Let’s not pretend that Jeep didn’t recapture the spirit of the namesake because this

This has been bugging me for weeks with Root commenters.

I hope the investigation started off with some innocuous shit, like a game of dominoes:

This looks like they’ve returned to high camp, which is long overdue for a Bond film.

That’s the same base power figure as a CX-5. And the new Bronco Sport. And the Forester. And the CR-V. And the Rogue.