Look trump's an idiot, everyone with a functioning brain knows it. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Look trump's an idiot, everyone with a functioning brain knows it. Sometimes the truth hurts.
C3s...how do i say it....oh yeah they look greasy.
The 8 track is the new self alignment feature....right?
He's nothing but a dirty Sanchez, please go away.
These days its swap the chip not the cam
This is bs, the 13 star flag is about the American revolution over a tyrannical British empire. It has nothing to do with slavery. This pc crap is getting way out of hand, sell the damn shoe.
Well that ship sailed loooong ago, right or wrong the flag appears on everything abd anything.
Nate Jackson....never heard of him
Chick fil a doesnt actively discriminate against anyone; if your gay or straight, white or black, Muslim or Christian they’ll serve you. If you want to get upset about anti gay discrimination then turn your attention to the bakeries that wont bake a cake for a gay wedding. Thats active discrimination and its been…
Another autoblog recently tested 4 mid-size pickups; the Ranger, Tacoma, Colorado and gladiator. All with mid level trim and all were sticker priced at over $40k.
Or “throw the dick off a damn baseball”....wtf?
This protest has already been forgotten. CFA can do whatever they want with their charitable contributions, its not hurting their bottom line. They continue to expand and have the best customer service in the fast food industry.
Typical ignorant repub, goes to Ohio State on football scholarship and comes out dumber than when he went in. Trump likes the uneducated.
You still using a horse and buggy to get around...jeez wake up dude.
Drew you’re correct, I rode in the ‘80s and the Kantana was second rate to the GXSRs . In one if the bike mags they wrote "if you want Suzuki to stop selling this mediocre bike stop buying them". They were a solid seller for Suzuki and thus are still around.
Disheveled single people scrolling thru their phones, that’s funny shit but you just described every fast food place there is. And you sound like kind of a douche too.
Our president the dunce
Hole punch on your $1000 smartphone, how horrible! Jeez these 1st world problens are just too much, what to do??
Trump, already the dumbest laziest president ever and then he does this. Unfknbeliveable.
The BIS should have been either Bean or the long hair dachshund Burns. Terriers have won too many times, they need some younger judges to keep it fresh.