No. You say he’s a fucking bloated orange idiot and you’re not going to dignify his fucking bloated orange idiocy by playing along and he can go get fucked.
No. You say he’s a fucking bloated orange idiot and you’re not going to dignify his fucking bloated orange idiocy by playing along and he can go get fucked.
Solid pile of bullshit right there. If I didn’t know anything about science, I might have been tricked into thinking you did.
This is why Democrats keep losing elections and keep losing in politics.
I would take that over lots of what we are being offered.
who dis
Octopii are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and are actually required to be put under anesthesia if a procedure is needed to be done on them, because they are believed to have an understanding of what is happening to them. If kept in captivity, they need to be in specialized tanks because they…
Thanks, Brom. I appreciate it.
I’m wrong on this, I know I’m wrong on this, but I’m not entirely convinced that dinosaurs existed.
decreasesincreases cost andincreasesdecreases qualityand quantityof service.
You're an idiot.