
Another solid way to cook mushrooms that I learned as a tip from a local grower is to lightly roast them in a dry pan on low heat for about 20 mins, then add your butter/garlic/seasonings/etc., and serve at your pleasure. It’s a little different take, in that they don’t quite “sponge up” the flavors like the cooking

Yeah, but he’s not allowed to do that thing where he looks seriously over his shoulder as he walks away, like he does in every movie trailer.

So’s Tony Larussa.

This accounted for nearly 3 hours of our day, today. A sincere thank you.

PA Turnpike, and they’re disgusting.

They just made a bigger Craig Carton, right?

Truffle Cheesesteak Empanadas at The Good Dog, near Rittenhouse.

The article above, and every article written about the effects of ending Net Neutrality detail how it will be the opposite of what you just typed.

Good thing they won five games, already - wouldn’t want to get a good fucking draft pick (maybe a QB?).

This is just a microcosmic example of why everyone who opposes this way of “thinking”, but doesn’t vote should be ashamed of themselves. Also, this is another example of why we should be focusing our energy on opposing this type of garbage, instead of doing the liberal “attack those around us who aren’t pure enough”

Agree 100%. The left has a pretty large problem with identifying “same team”. Let’s work on the real enemies out there, and then maybe focus on why the people fighting for the same things we are are not “pure” enough.

Call the bluff.

Sgt. Sharketti! That’s one great 80s movie cop name, right there. He’s a loner, plays by his own rules, but dammit, he gets the job done. He eschews a squad car for a ‘77 Charger, and carries a six-shooter that miraculously fires off 8 rounds when he’s in a gunfight (which is a standard Tuesday for The Shark).

Seriously, I’ve about had it with the anti-mayonnaise business.

Walks do not count as at-bats, so his HR/AB ratio is not affected by the BBs and IBBs. He had 177 walks in the 73 year, and 664 plate appearances. He played in 10 less games the following year (612 PAs), but walked 198 times. Additional craziness: both of the guys that hit 70+ homers in a season saw 46% of their hits

I understand why the Azor Ahai/Lightbringer legend is being brought up, but I’m confused by parts of the theory. Lightbringer was the name of a specific sword - one that was already forged - and is legendary in its own right. The wife-stabbing part of it was the tempering. If the next coming of Azor Ahai is to wield

I get it, but to borrow from one of the above paragraphs: liberals also fall into the trap of labeling people that are allies (even if not on every issue) as enemies.

I’m not sure which group is funnier, the poor schmucks in the mock draft that get all bent out of shape about it, or the guys that get bent out of shape reading the story about the poor schmucks getting bent out of shape about it.

I do not, I work in Pennsylvania.. though it’s often kind of like a southern state up north.

I can relate to the anti-union tactics by companies. I work in a hospital system, and a year or so ago there was a large concern by the “powers that be” that the increased presence of nursing unions in the area would “infiltrate” us.