
Rationality?!? Anti-abortionists want you to exercise moral restraint and discipline. Any pill or procedure shortcuts morality and cheats God. That a wanted or unwanted child is born is immaterial, the child is a result of your morality and your attitude towards God’s teachings. That result needs to be protected as

She’ll miss it because she’s currently ranked 211 in the world and doesn’t automatically qualify. I don’t see the problem with denying her a spot if she doesn’t have the points to qualify. If she had the points to qualify and they still denied her because of her doping past, that’s a problem. “Because she’s a star”

Remove GTA V and you’ve got yourself a regular and accurate headline

Yay Greg!

He’s the hero we deserve.

Mike Matheny praised the fan for taking the bullet “the right way,” noting that glory boy fans in Chicago or Kansas City would’ve demanded a stoppage to the game and drawn much more attention to themselves.

Timeline, the Fourth: “Hero Goes Karting, Hyrule Falls Into Darkness.”

I guess at least one millennial took kindly to Brooks’s condescending yearning for America’s simpler times.

Let’s remember everyone to not reply to or ungrey bigots and trolls. Even if you’re comment is well intentioned, all you’ll be doing is giving them the attention that they so desperately crave. Instead, dismiss their comments and report them to Kinja’s helpdesk. Be sure to include a link to the troll’s comment in your

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

As other folks have said in the thread, I wouldn’t buy the Switch for a young kid. I can’t slip it into my pocket, the 3DS has some amazing games and continues to do so, the dual screen thing is still unique, setting it apart from the Switch — so many things.

Easy. It’s called being a Polygon editor.

Unintentional Religious References is also the name of my thrash band.

Sorry to hear about your new vape habit

Hi. @myriachan on Twitter =^-^=



Go to bed, Burneko. You’re drunk.