
They do now, but when this occurred they did not. The current protection is not retro active so old projects do not fall under this.

Every time she voices an objection to same sex marriage, she is in violation, since as elected clerk, she actually sets the policy on how that office operates. her statement is the equivalent to a big “up yours” to the courts and the Constitution.

I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve

A pretender at being Chinese,

Sorry, but I can’t stand poetry.

Yeah Vox is full of bad journalism.

I’m just applying what I learned from cop supporters to this situation. They’re not really far flung. If you go on to any story about police brutality, they are there. And, what I learned from cop supporters is that this man wasn’t charged with rape so its innocent until proven guilty. You’re actually as bad as ISIS

Let’s not send ground troops or impose a no-fly zonein all of Syria, tho; that would get more women raped. Let’s not criticize Islam, because ISIS isn’t practicing the Real Islam (Obama, who’s not a Muslim, assured us if this fundamental fact). Let’s not worry too much for the Arab, N African and Asian girls being

Hey so I’m the guy who made this video and sorry man, but you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. That’s not always the case when you get “downvoted to oblivion” on Reddit, but for you, it was.

“It’s women’s empowerment because it benefits me” is basically what modern >white< feminism is.

It’s nice that women have no achievements that aren’t measured in boners. Please, tell us more about your particular boner. We all care very much.

I HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT IRA GLASS’ VOICE (ETA: I’l admit I didn’t attribute it to vocal fry as much as to that affected clipped thing. he does. at the end. of every intro.)

Me and my friends used to dress up as the Italian army. We’d lose or give up or just plain wander off after 5 or 10 minutes and spend the afternoon kicking back.

No one cares. While this program didn’t start under Obama, it certainly took off its training wheels with him in charge. I can’t help but think that if Bush was President, people would be burning D.C. to the ground.

The greatest threat to the American government, is Americans. Not Iranians, not Russians etc. Americans.

Is this where we post some favourite pics of our pet rats?

Back in 2006, I was studying abroad in the UK, and almost the first news report I heard after I got there was about a girl at an amusement park (Alton Towers? My memory has not preserved that detail) got both her feet cut off by a snapped elastic cord in a tower-of-terror-type ride. Amusement parks have subsequently

Burner, because...