
He almost literally IS Deadpool, in person and in character.

I think the Doritos Locos taco is the best this to come out of Taco Bell in the last 10 years imo. The only logical next step they can make to top them would be Doritos Locos nachos or something.

That would be a pretty sick burn.

Nah, I didn’t make this gif, just found it. EDIT: lol I didnt realise someone had already posted this same gif...

I wonder if this is a torture scene. Maybe Cap is going to interrogate him using inhumane(lame) practices(jokes).

I know it sounds silly, but I like to consider planets like Earth and stars living organisms/beings.

I always thought that writing music notes was similar to calligraphy, and considered hand writing(though, i’m probably wrong). I wonder if drawing them is correct/easier. Either way, I think music sheets are beautiful, even if I can’t read them.

Neat. This would probably make a pretty sick boomerang.

There are an infinite amount of better solutions they could have come to instead of burning it all, like dental implants, among other useful things.

This reminds me of old Adult Swim cartoons.

I personally don’t really like these kind of mouse pads, but I find myself very impressed by these. I would consider getting one, buy they are currently 24,840yen, so, basically $250 bucks. With decent shipping, you’re looking at like $270 for a sexy mouse pad.

Lol, im surprised there aren’t any yo mama pics yet. I couldn’t find any good ones...

I like to relax when playing games, so head tracking would become tiring after a while, the same with motion controls, like those VR hand controls. I think the best/most comfortable way to enjoy VR would be laying down in a bed with a regular controller.

This is pretty cool. It also reminds me of Dredd.

Who cares? people don’t like a certain game, they could just not buy it. They don’t have to remove a game because some people consider it to be crap. I play alot of games on steam that the“dudebros” crowd would consider bad, and I’ve seen games that I ignore because they look bad to me, but I don’t want them removed.

I bet nintendo’s jaw smashed through the ground on this one.

At least this is way better than using hawks/eagles to take them out.

I’m surprised socks like these aren’t already a thing. At least, the collared socks. Socks with collars seem like something people actually wear, but it’s not...

Now playing

I feel like the only person I know that thinks Furbies are both creepy and ugly, and not in the “so ugly it’s cute” kind of way, and I love cute things. I feel like if it were a real creature, they would be disgusting, ungodly creatures, similar to the “Little Birdie” from Metroid Other M.