
'He's going to hit you so hard you turn into an Asian woman'

That MR-2 is just... Perfect.

Even the games that LOOKED next-gen don't seem to be really next-gen (Second Son). The takeaway I'm getting from all this is that I need to upgrade my PC.

As an artist, this is the one area of concern where I feel great job security.

Sabin's Fists, Final Fantasy 6

I'm sorry but you why complain about first-day video game prices? You're not forced to buy all games day 1. If you buy all your games delayed by a couple of months you easily spend less than half.

Motion Sickness: The Experience: The Gameā„¢

Dark Souls


Demon's Souls

Metal Gear Solid 4. It was the first game I bought with my PS3 after my third paycheck from my new job. I had $6 left in my checking account...

120fps at 4k resolution or GTFO...

Give me a Rocksteady produced Batman Beyond game. New rogues gallery. New art style. You keep Conroy on as old Bruce, get Will Friedle as Terry, and you have many millions of dollars.