It will break down just viewing it in the driveway
It will break down just viewing it in the driveway
Did you load up on Aspirin and drink heavily like Matt Farrah?
Enough time and money can build you anything. This is one slick looking BMW.
Brutal Doom people, its the game you always wanted.
Who the fuck is Gronk and why should I care?
Just take your xbox offline in the settings it should run. Tested as of 7:30AM PST
as someone who has not read comics since the late 90s, i would buy the fuck out of this.
Why the hell do today’s cars keep doing the central exhaust. Can’t stand the exhaust built into the rear bumper. Other than that this looks smashing.
As someone who used to live in Catawba county, this is the most accurate answer.
Hearing Bowie’s Heroes reminds me of playing TMNT on the NES on a wood grained TV in the den in late 80s.
Star ocean: the second story should be somewhere on here
I for one think something out of yesteryear that would also be an absolute polar opposite of the skyline. Ladies and gents, the Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo.
or boredom
Sold my dodge dakota that was perfect in everyway, except for the 4x4 lever was stuck in 2wd mode. Put in the ad that 4wd was NOT WORKING. Even put a post-it note on the lever saying “needs to be fixed” before trying to put into 4wd mode. The guy said he was gonna sue me for not notifying him. lol @ people
I worked at Konami mobile in Manhattan Beach early ‘09. It was the most racist place I have ever worked at. Im white/latino looking, and there were maybe 5-15 other people who were not japanese in the whole office. Those who were not japanese speaking people were treated like second class citizens. I left and went…
Didnt they also do this in the 90s?
Wanted one of these since I was young, not so much now only due to the madness of driving a right hand drive car. Loved following you and this experience. OH do a russian KAMAZ next.
her voice makes me wanna stab out my ears
I see r/battlecars is leaking from reddit again