a good suggestion would be neither.
a good suggestion would be neither.
Did someone say SLAM
but mah miata triggas
space travel via rockets?
Yeah aston copied the pon car bruh
the answer is probably miata. God i hate you all
This reminds me of Command and Conquer from the 90s
but you condone douch-y-ness
Wargreymon is in this, FUCK YEAH
Happened to me at EALA back in '07 after Crysis, Mercs 2 , and Medal of Honor Airborne. Waited half the day just to get fired due to "reorganizing".
how can we rage about something we knew nothing about?
well if the most toxic community can get better then maybe we can too IRL.
I will never play as the dog, but put him in practice and beat the everliving dogshit out of him for laughing at me 20 years ago.
that car is balls stupid IMO. im a gen-X-er....hated that label too
those things are heavy as fuck yo
Yeah cause Tekken's or Soul Caliber's story is so easily understandable
Why cant we go back and rally under the best orc ever OGRIM MOTHERFUCKING DOOMHAMMER!!!