
Hypetrain came and went. There will be other artsy, emotion filled doom

i think i need to change my pants

more like "only" map

Didn't PAX, spike VGA awards, PAX East, Comicon, Dragoncon, and every other fucking convention kill off e3 yet? Once a year BWAHAHAHHAHAAH. Unless your that neckbeardy kinda developer that makes their own convention. Here's looking at your blizz. Just release your shit on your youtube/twich/FB/tumblr/twitter etc.

Shrekking Intensifies

As a Googler and car enthusiast I personally wanna see self drive race team. Just to see how it would preform.

The only way to send off a man who truely understood what made gaming great

I see King of fighters, a schoogirl cliche, the murican, and attack on titan


A wild card appears. These morons cannot possibly concieve that a smaller engine with some extra tubes or a screwy thing on top can beat the RAW extra POWER THAT comes with a V8 FUCK MANLY BADASS TIRE TEARING HONDA SLAPPPING POWWWWAAAAAA!

these guys

shot fired

It is built with fuggin wood.

Call of crysis: dooty edition

nostalgia aside, that car sucks as a car

so whats the real number 1?!???......LLLIIINNNKKK!!!!!!!!!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!!one

im almost glad this got canned. It would have never been up to the hypetrain that would have come with this title.

looks good

bitch please