Hypetrain came and went. There will be other artsy, emotion filled games...like doom
Hypetrain came and went. There will be other artsy, emotion filled games...like doom
i think i need to change my pants
more like "only" map
Didn't PAX, spike VGA awards, PAX East, Comicon, Dragoncon, and every other fucking convention kill off e3 yet? Once a year BWAHAHAHHAHAAH. Unless your that neckbeardy kinda developer that makes their own convention. Here's looking at your blizz. Just release your shit on your youtube/twich/FB/tumblr/twitter etc.…
Shrekking Intensifies
As a Googler and car enthusiast I personally wanna see self drive race team. Just to see how it would preform.
I see King of fighters, a schoogirl cliche, the murican, and attack on titan
shot fired
Call of crysis: dooty edition
nostalgia aside, that car sucks as a car
so whats the real number 1?
im almost glad this got canned. It would have never been up to the hypetrain that would have come with this title.
looks good