There are ways to archive the chat so its actually readable. Some people do this but I don’t see the point. It would be like saving used toilet paper.
There are ways to archive the chat so its actually readable. Some people do this but I don’t see the point. It would be like saving used toilet paper.
Are you talking about using real names? Because one of the reasons that was dropped was some malicious users displaying the very real capability of it being abused by flooding a dev with the usual RL harassment shit (spam mail, pizzas delivered he never asked for, stupid shit like that), demonstrating just how easy it…
Watch out, the pirate sympathizers are coming. Batten down the hatches, for they don’t take kindly to your kind around here...
I wouldn’t saying it’s really that underachieving. I mean, they are entertaining people and can make peoples days or weeks go by better, which I think to say is more gratifying than being in porn. It maybe a small thing and it’s not exactly saving lives, but eh 90% of us commenting here aren’t saving lives either.
Hell yeah, it holds up! I played this for the first time when it was released on PC recently, and when it finished I immediately played a second time. It’s got a good story, great characters, a wonderful variety of soldiers at your command. The game excels at the more subtle, inferred kinds of storytelling, with…
Yes... how dare they want money for the product they produced...
Make a single movie of Super Mario. Hire the writers of the Lego movie, and Brad Bird to direct. Get Dreamworks or Blue Sky on animation duty. Both Nintendo and Universal producing. Don’t think about sequels or sipnoffs. Just make this one contained movie as awesome as you can from start to finish. Watch the money…
Metroid by Production IG and F-Zero by Madhouse would be soooo good!!!!
Should we prepare ourselves for the Nintendo Cinematic Universe?!
I can see it now... Remember Star Fox’s plucky female sidekick Megan Foxx? No? WELL SHE’S BACK. Here’s a scene of the Star Fox crew at a Burger King drive thru bickering over what to order. THE END.
Peppy is just too damn cute
Not too realistic, because an overly realistic Star Fox cast would just be animals in flight jackets. But this is a…