My goodness, that is some psychedelically colorful and beautiful artwork!
My goodness, that is some psychedelically colorful and beautiful artwork!
Add cel=shaded screenshots to the Australian rating, achievements and cover art for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:…
You are taking something that is derivative and claiming it as the source. Not really how that works. Miami Vice is set in a time, and as such matches the style of that time, not the other way around.
For all the flak this game gets from fanatical SMT and FE fans, a lot of people say the gameplay’s great.
This is a good list. You guys work better as a team, some of your individual lists look like you’re trying too hard to pick obscure games, you damn hipsters you.
Tough lists to make. You guys did a damn fine job.
You mean they might actually release a well planned and developed Assassins Creed game?? No way...
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the…
Greatest fucking comment ever.
Brofist, man. Promise it wasn't in anyone's ass first.
Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).