Broken Fantasy


Mother of God!!!

Maybe when hell freezes over.. Le sigh..

Oh hell YES.. I have no issue with sexy times in games as long as they give all sexualities opportunities for fapping!

Someone needs to make Ass Simulator 2014, with a wide range of activities included e.g. Fisting, rosebudding, and rimming.

Ja.. Sigh.. Maybe if they spent less time putting in badly executed, frustrating Quick Time Events, they would have enough time and resources to work on this shit!

Most games I've seen the greatest amount of effort into their graphics and sound, with minimal attention paid to AI or interesting game mechanics. Developers nowadays seem to want to appeal to the lowest common denominator, in terms of both gameplay and narrative themes..

I believe the term is "husbando".

The characters in the second picture look like they've caught the Moe virus! :P

Is it bad that this article only made me more eager to try these abominations?

My future husbando

Is.. Is Rudolf molesting him?!

Santaur says, "DO YOU EVEN GIFT?"

Having enjoyed Pokémon Y a lot more than I expected, this is looking very appealing. How much of a slog is it compared to X and Y? Are there any grindy sections?

As long as we don't have to see her "incestuous rape" face again. >~<

I'm not expecting 4K, super shiny visuals.. I just hope they spruce up the animations, especially the faces. Watching characters flap their lips like puppets can be pretty offputting.

Welp at least it doesn't look like he's riding a pillar of piss, unlike his older counterpart.

Aargh thanks for making me want this 100x more ! Anyone know if I have a hope in hell of running this on m

From what I understand regarding on-disc DLC, it's more like paying for a burger and fries, only for them to give you just the burger and demand an extra $5 for the fries.

"The power of Christ compels you.. to LET MY PEOPLE GO!!"