
My favorite argument from the pro-Gun crowd: we need to change the ‘culture,’ which is code for ‘go to church’ if you’re white and ‘GTFO’ if you aren’t.

Before anyone embarrasses themselves with a comment like, “Wow, in Texas? This guy’s gonna get fired!” Uh, no, Dale is an institution in Dallas and we love him for being the cranky old progressive who drops truth bombs on uncomfortable suburbanites.

This may not be a popular opinion, but the female reporter using the “me too” hashtag because she didn’t get called upon is bullshit. Have some respect for what the movement is about.

I feel bad about feeling bad about Mark’s death but there’s 34,000 reasons why he was a bad, bad guy. One less pedo in the world.

For once, Mark Salling did something that benefitted the human race.

Came here to say this. It’s only a matter of time.

Isn’t there one more degree that damned school has to erase from its legacy? Priorites!

How would Cleveland fans react to this? Sincere question.

I really, reeeeeaaaally do not want the Patriots to win, but good god I am all horned up at the thought of Philly fans and sports media imploding on themselves. A real Sophie’s choice, if you will.

Thank you. That’s what I thought too and was immediately like...uh are we supposed to laud this almost definitely complicit woman’s successes?

His Jay-Z tweet cracks me up because it makes me envision how this request would literally play out.
Me: “Hey Jay-Z, I know you have some thoughts on POTUS but I *just wanted to point out* that black unemployment is at an all-time low.”
Jay-Z: “Really? Thanks for letting me know! Now I can have a more informed opinion

He was actually wealthy!

And somehow less corrupt

I was saying “boo-urns.”

obvious, but necessary:

That’s some helpful commentary right there. With such a strong alliance, I can’t wait for the Democrats to crush it in 2018.

My nightmares thank you in advance!

Love how you just make that leap. The awfulness of Clinton is its own subject that has nothing to do with Sanders.

Have you seen the documentary Cinemability? It’s a fascinating look at the history of disabilities as portrayed in movies and TV shows, with tons of illustrative clips and interviews with disabled actors and activists. Very eye-opening.

And the thing too is the disability we’re presented with is one that will appeal to wide audiences. It’s not a “deformity” or paraplegia or elephantiasis or something that would really confront the viewer’s notions of beauty. It is a woman who cannot speak. In some ways, she’s presented as a woman calculated to gain