
America, wake up. If you stop paying attention to attention-whoring asshats like this, then they just go away. This would have saved America the embarrassment that is Trumpleforeskin in the White House.

You missed one of the best deals. AC2350 Highhawk router is now cheaper than the three models under it.

You missed one of the best deals. AC2350 Highhawk router is now cheaper than the three models under it.

I know of several action pistol clubs who could use new targets. These two seem perfectly suited.

You’re likening Bitcoin to real money like dollars and you’re also assuming that dollars are actually backed by something of value, like gold. We exceeded the amount of dollars backed by gold decades ago and we just keep printing more.

Good! It was all crap anyway. Only on the first Flursday of Sevember and there was a red moon would they have anything worth installing.

Disagree wholeheartedly. I have done this on many occasions with rose bushes. Infested with aphids and after a week of putting ladybugs there, the aphids were gone. Not only that, they did not return is subsequent years as the lady bugs did.

“...I am dying to know what he was trying to say.”

I get calls for a recruiting firm for corporate executives all the time. My number is one digit off from theirs (ex: mine ~ 998-1111, theirs ~ 988-1111). I first politely tell them they have the wrong number. If they are dumb enough to call back, I troll them heavily. I offer them jobs like males stripper or pole

Oh lookie, NY wasn’t at the VERY bottom this time.

I find this works best:

Wouldn’t this article technically be a guide?

You win the internet today!

If you are getting a tax refund, you’re doing your taxes wrong.

If you are getting a tax refund, you’re doing your taxes wrong.

Geez, at this rate, Verizon will be able to buy them for the mere cost of Marissa Mayers annual salary.

This is giving me flashbacks to when we found an employee ‘archiving’ her emails by printing them, then scanning them to her home directory.

NY, one of the worst. Again.

It’s easier than ever for someone to create a website and post completely made up stories that become international headlines. This makes it harder to tell truth from fiction or share news with others who may not be able to tell the difference either. Luckily, fake news isn’t too difficult to spot. Here’s how: use

  • Call the post office and have them hold your mail for the duration you will be away

I’ll do you one better. Anything that comes from my uncle with FW: in the subject automatically goes to trash.

Honestly, that’s not that fast either. But the alternative is an ADF but I have trust issues with the photo quality using that method.