Because show Littlefinger is an utterly transparent, completely incompetent moron who should be long dead by now.
Because show Littlefinger is an utterly transparent, completely incompetent moron who should be long dead by now.
Or maybe Brienne spending all her time sparring with Pod is making her steadily worse, hence her embarrasment at Arya's hands.
How could you forget about Shagga? He loved axes and would feed people's testicles to goats.
But everyone else in the Vale also hates Littlefinger. Yohn Royce (the only Vale lord who gets speaking time) certainly does and would definitely side with Sansa.
Probably, but that would be a nice twist- it would be a good redemption arc, with the irony of Jaime's title being transformed from one of shame to one of honor. Plus, it would have been telegraphed for the entire series, with no one the wiser.
I wonder if they'll ever recall the loose thread of Tyrion's loyal Hillfolk army he had in seasons 1 and 2. Seems like some good reinforcements for Dany's cause.
Jamie is the Kingslayer, not the Queenslayer. His destiny is to slay the Night's King, though he'll probably kill Cersei along the way.
I disagree. GRRM's books are full of fake deaths for main characters. If this were in a book, the chapter would have ended with Drogon opening his mouth. The next chapter would have begun with Jamie crawling out of the river.
No, I thought his death made sense. He was an old man, a great fighter past his prime, cornered by dozens of armed men. He had a wonderful showing, but he was simply overwhelmed by numbers. I thought it was a poignant scene.
When in Dance? During Tyrion's fake drowning scene? During the useless Quentyn side-story? During the intrigue in Mereen between Quagnazz mo Zulabx and Mornax zo Durnoq? When Faegon popped up and decided to go to Westeros just like that, underscoring how pointless and boring Dany's stay in Mereen was? During…
"You know, your youngest brother, the one with a weird birth defect that only allowed him to run in straight lines"
GRRM himself is fond of the fake-out death.
I took it to mean that they got there as the tail end of the Lannister supply train was approaching King's Landing. That would make sense given the need for Dany's Dothraki to load themselves onto boats and then disembark. This is also supported by Tarley' mention that the gold (presumably at the front of the…
"So, who were you “rooting for” in that battle?"
They don't have to travel that far. They said that the Lannister army is just outside King's Landing, and Dragon Stone is at the mouth of the bay that leads to King's Landing. That's a quick boat trip. Now, I'd argue that it doesn't make sense that the Dothraki would be able to sail past King's Landing without…
Even GRRM has stopped killing people of consequence off. He has had plenty of fake-out deaths, starting with Bran and Rickon in ACOK and Arya in ASOS but accelerating. He's fake-killed Tyrion three or four times.
Qyburn, probably
The series ends with Theon, first of his name, King of the Seven Kingdoms sitting on the Iron Throne wearing a golden prosthetic penis.
Jon killed a bearded one at Hardhome, didn't he?
Dany knew. She specifically said after informed about the fall of Highgarden something to the effect of "Now the Lannisters have all the food." I thought it was odd that she was burning the food wagons.