Second best part:
“I said, ‘That wasn’t a dream, you dodo, that really happened.”
Second best part:
“I said, ‘That wasn’t a dream, you dodo, that really happened.”
“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”
No clue, just found it on my desk.
Honestly why would anyone ever watch that show.
And then he dabbed.
holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.
Patricia Hernandez, my boss.
Actually Lol’d at “My name Jeff”
I have all of the 6 you might actually own except Harvest Moon and Kirby. I have nothing meaningful to add to this discussion. I just enjoy bragging about it every chance I get. I still play them regularly too!
Be sure to come back once you’ve played the game and realize how dumb this comment was!
It must have been easy to take from his rotting corpse.
That’s an unfortunate typo.
You can only get robbed at gun point so many times before you decide the pay of the job isn’t worth the hassle. Good on these clerks for breaking their destructive habit of being the victim!
Believe it or not, this was a complete coincidence. The motivation for the piece was A) the positive response to my Haunted Mansion article and B) the 50th anniversary of the ride, which recently passed.
We’ve been thinking it might be fun to do a series of posts like this, specifically talking about how games ended. Game suggestions welcome!
The device Evans spent three years laboring to invent is a $400 WiFi-enabled tabletop machine that squeezes juice ... out of a bag of Juicero-brand juice. It squeezes bags of juice. It is a juice press that squeezes the juice ... out of bags of juice. Bags ... with built-in spouts ... that are filled with juice. Juice…
This comment was a rollercoaster that ended with me high-fiving you.
I was picked on a lot as a kid and it was often directed at my somewhat defiant love of GameCube. It really sucked and probably contributed to triggering the depression I came to struggle with for the years following (and now manage). And I gotta say, all the sorrow that came in response for my love of GameCube was…